5. New day

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You woke up. The sun pierced through the window. The room was fully lit. You turned on your left side and saw Shikamaru peacefully sleeping. Where's Sai?

Sai woke up before you.
He went out of the bed slowly to wake any of you. He was in the middle so it was pretty hard to be discreet but he actually could. He was naked and the cold morning breeze out of the covers made him shiver, sending goosebumps all over his pale body. He went in his dresser and looked for a sweater. He found one and took a sport shorts and his towel before heading to the bathroom for a hot shower.

He was dressed and went out of his house to get to the bakery. He didn't like the one next to where he lived. He always made an hour to get to Ikurana, his favourite bakery. An hour to go but an hour to come back too. He wouldn't be around for approximately two hours.

You sat on the edge of the bed, pressuring your weight on your hands behind your back. You felt Shikamaru put his big hand on yours.

"Ohayō, beautiful" he said, with a sleepy voice.

"Ohayō. Did you sleep well?" You asked as he came behind you to wrap his arms around your waist.

"Yeah. Where's Sai?"

"I don't know.. maybe outside~" the end of your sentence was full of pleasure as you felt Shika get hard behind you. Both of you were still naked from the yesterday body party.

He put his head on you shoulders and you put yours on his. "I'm gonna take a shower, coming with me?" You proposed.

"Of course" he answered. You felt his throat vibrate as he pronounced the words.

You stand up and went searching for towels. You found them in Sai's dresser, nicely tidied. The two of you headed for the shower. It was big enough for at least 5 persons. "Sai is living in a luxury" you laughed in your thoughts. You turned on the shower and Shikamaru followed you right away. He untied his hair before putting his head under the water. You looked at him.

"You're stealing my water" you pointed out laughing.

"Sorry, hun, if you're tiny" he said, smiling at you.

You shared about 10 minutes in the hot water before getting out. You took your towel and wrapped it around you. Shikamaru wore it on his waist, showing proudly his abs and chest.

You walked out of the room and went into Sai's bedroom. You watched for your panties. You found them but you didn't put them on, it was dirty. You went then out of the room and reached your bag that was messily thrown on the ground the day before. You had a little place where you hid panties and stuff in case your periods came during a mission. You took a clean panty and put it on and stuffed the dirty one in your bag before going back to the bedroom.

The moment you went in was the moment the brunet dropped his towel. You laughed when he hid his tree.

"I saw it already" you replied at his face's expression.

"Yeah, it's automatic for me. Sorry" he said smiling.

He reached the boy's drawer and looked for a clean boxers. He took the largest one and put it on. He then put back his training pants on and stayed so, without a shirt.

The two of you went into the kitchen/living room. The place was actually big but when you first entered you didn't give attention to how it was. The kitchen was open to the living and dining room. It had a bar and cute high chairs. You knew Sai was going to have a nice taste of decoration.

You went looking for a mug in the kitchen. You found one and proposed another to Shikamaru who accepted it. Turning on the kettle, you looked for some herbal tea. You didn't find it anywhere and when you were about to give up, Sai came back with two baguettes and a few croissants.

"Good morning, cutie" he said smiling at you. "Still in a towel as I see".

"Yeah, I just got out of shower. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Where's Shikamaru?" He asked, looking around.

"In your room, he's getting dressed. We took a shower together."

"Oh, did you..?" He blushed. Probably because of jealousy.

"Oh no, just showered" you answered smiling, showing him that nothing happened.

He put what he bought on the counter and asked if you needed anything. You asked for tea and he opened a little box with few tea bags and herbs that you didn't even notice. Smiling, you gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

He went and met Shika in the room.

"Ohay–" he started to say before realising something.

Shikamaru was looking at Sai's pictures placed on the drawer. He was looking really close. Too close. He rubbed his member through the fabric of his pants. Sai walked towards him and grabbed his chin. He kissed him roughly. The brunet didn't realise it was his lover until the shorty cut the kiss and looked at him.

"Ohayō" he said.

" 'Morning" the boy replied smiling. "I bought breakfast. Let's go and eat."

"You're so cute on those photos." Shikamaru turned his head looking at the pictures a second time. Sai saw an erection regrowing under the brunet's pants.

Shikamaru grabbed Sai and hugged him. The shorty felt his heart beat fast as he could feel the Nara boy's heartbeat. The hug broke and the two of them went in the dining room.

During this time, you prepared the tea for all of you and placed the croissant in plates, cut the bread and placed all of that on the table. When they entered, you looked for eggs in the fridge.

"You don't have eggs?" You asked as Sai came behind you.

"Iē. But I have bacon" he answered.

"I love meat" said Shikamaru sitting down on the table. "Can you cook some bacon for me, honey?" He asked you then, before blushing as he called you by your new nickname.

"Sure. You want some too?"

"Yes, y/n." He said before putting the pork out. "Cutie" he winked at you before slapping your ass.

You laughed. "Alright"

The three of you were eating and discussing about when your new training will be. You mentioned that it made a long time you didn't get an A rank mission together. Tsunade-sama was attributing high ranked missions to you, but the three of you were often separated.

Helloooo ! It's me, the person who's writing the story :) If you like it then I'm glad. Tell me if you want the chapters longer. It will eventually be tho, with everything that will come up ! Also, I'd like to know if you want more lemon than normal stuff / less lemon than normal stuff / equal lemon and normal stuff. Jaa ne ! ♥️

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