7. Sai's mission and Hokage-sama

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Sai jumped from tree to tree. He was at the same speed as Sakura. The pink haired girl looked determined to get these informations. They left Konoha since just an hour, but they were already far. Yamato tried to follow the blondie as close as he could, but Naruto was at full speed. Everything that had a link with Sasuke was giving him energy as you give a car fuel.

"Naruto!" said Sakura, stopping herself.

The boy turned around, facing Sai and the girl that called him. "What?"

"I feel someone's chakra" she replied, looking around and lowering her voice.

"I did too." Sai added, taking out his scroll and brushes from his bag.

"Let's continue. We can't stop because of someone's chakra" said Yamato. "The messing-nin location can differ at any time. Ikuze. (Let's go)"



This time, in Konoha.

You walked on the long straight street that leads to the Hokage's office.

"Oi! Y/n!" A voice called you. The person had food in his mouth.

You turned your head and saw Chouji, eating a few (well you actually saw 5 sticks on the plate) dumplings with Ino and Kiba.

"Oh hi, all of you!" You waved. "I gotta go by Tsunade-sama. Sooo i can't sit out here and eat with you sorry."

Ino looked at you with interested eyes. You wondered what was going as she spoke. "Oh, you too?" She asked.

"What, me too?"

"Going in reinforcements, obviously"

"For who?" You began to think about Sai and his team, who just started the mission. Well nah, you thought, now way they would need help so early. You were wrong.

"Oh so you don't know.. go ahead and talk to the Hokage" said Kiba, after giving a ball to Akamaru who wagged happily his tail.

"That's what I was gonna do, tho" you laughed.

"Let us come with you?" Chouji asked mouth still full. "We have to know more about it. Maybe the Ino-Shika-Cho formation can be useful"

"You're already placed as reinforcements?" You asked as you saw a cat walk by.

"Yeah. Ino, Kiba and I. I'd like Shikamaru to come too."

You smiled as he said this name. They watched you with misunderstandings drawn all over their faces. You snapped out of your memory from the day before shaking your head.

"Sorry, gotta go, I want to know more about it. See you at the Hokage's office. Jaa!" You said before running and jumping to get out here faster.

What and who were they talking about? Why were you so worried that Sai was already in danger? You asked yourself many questions like this when you arrived to the imposant red building.

*knock knock*

"Yes. Enter." A low voice said.

You entered in the room and saw Kakashi (your ex boyfriend let me remind it) and Shikamaru (your new boyfriend well one of them) talking with Lady Tsunade.

"What brings you up?" The blondie asked.

"Hum I first of.. wanted like hum... news and stuff.... but I..." you couldn't talk properly. Both of your ex and boyfriend where in the same room as you, fixing you, listening to you.

"What's the matter?" The brunet asked.

"Nothing, really I'm just like.. you know..." you gave a nasty look at Kakashi. The reason the two of you broke up was really stupid and you didn't even want to come up with it again.

You were older than your friends but still younger than Kakashi. Both of you were adults but still kinda childish. And the fact that you were friend with his students (they were, in the past) was weird and a bit uncomfortable.

"What? I have something on my face?" The grey haired man asked, obviously playing as his habits.

"Shut up. Anyways. Hokage-sama, I heard a team needs reinforcements for I don't know what and–"

"Yes. I was about to call for you about this. Shikamaru suggested that you came too, since you and Sai are also good friends."

The words resonated in your head. "You and Sai". Did she really said his name? Was he then TRULY in trouble? No way...

"Don't worry. It's still nothing much, they are not in a big problem in the actual place they are." Tsunade said as she saw your face expression. A mix of fear and worry.

"So? Why do we need so many people?"

"What do you mean, Shikamaru?"

"Well, Chouji, Kiba, Ino, y/n, Kakashi-sensei and myself. If it's not a big deal, why?" Shikamaru scratched the back of his head

"Because. I decided so. Have a problem with it?" The 5th Hokage was serious and no one said anything more.

"Alright." Kakashi said. "Have to head out. Jaa na. Thanks for the information, Tsunade-sama. Shikamaru. Y/n." As he pronounced your name, he head out to the door and lifted up his hand and open the door with the other. "Oh yes. Be calm with me y/n during the mission time." He said before closing the door.

He knew you way too well. He knew how much you could be intemperate and violent.

"We should move out too, right, y/n?" Shikamaru looked at you with eyes you knew.

"Okay. I'll talk to you about it more when the time comes. Good day."


"Hai. You too, Hokage-sama"

Shika and you went out and walked out of the building. He took you hand and blushed.
"Wanna come by me? Parents out."

"Yes.." you said with a little but excited voice.

Hello it's me (again) ! Sorry, I've been out all the weekend and I didn't write advance chapters :( so yeah I know I'm even late sorry I'm posting this at 12am! I hope you enjoy the story anyways. A bit of 🍋 is coming so prepare your eyes :3
Rather the relationship youXsai or youXshikamaru?

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