12. Le calme avant la tempête

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(Yup, that's French! I can speak French, it's my first language. It means « the calm before the storm » I'm out!)

Your parents were already here. You smiled at them. You took that long? It didn't seems like none of you cried. Your mom blushed and smiled as she saw that you and Shikamaru were holding hands. Your dad gave an evil look to the boy, then softened. What a stupid old man, way too protective. You thought.

Your mom had short blue hair. You dad had long black hair. He always tied them as a low bun. You were from the Imichaki clan (I created it). The particularity of your clan was that you could read someone's future, change it, modify it and do as you please with it. It was very strong, but consumed a lot of chakra. And that's why you had a big amount of chakra, like the Uzumaki. Nature's well done, isn't it? In your clan, you had else dark blue hair or black hair. Your eyes were a gold colour and your skin tone was (your real skin tone).

"So as you could probably see.. your daughter and my son are dating!" Shikamaru's Mom said, happily.

"Yeah. Shikamaru can choose!" His dad joked. Everyone laughed except the two of you. You were blushing and so was he. Uncomfortable feeling.

"Come on, sit down! We will start to eat." Your mom proposed smiling.

The two of you took out you shoes and sat each other next to your parents. Your dad kept analysing Shika. It was pissing you off, but you wouldn't talk about this now. Both of you were jonins. You could date whoever you wanted!

The dinner was fine. Everything was nice. Shikamaru's mom could cook as perfectly as yours. A good point. You hoped Shika could also cook like this. The parents talked about whatever happened in their lives. Your boyfriend (one of them) and you looked at each other when everyone was done.

"Hum, mom?" Shikamaru asked.

"Yes, son?" She replied.

"Can we get out of the table?"

"Sure!" She smiled

"Arigato" he thanked her and made a sigh for you to come with him.

"Arigato gozaīmashita" you said, putting your hands together.

You followed him. He was going to his room. When you entered, he was sitting on the bed. You sat next to him and pat his hair. He smiled at you. He looked morose. You grabbed his cheeks and kissed him. He smiled. "Ahhhh" you laughed. He was still looking down.

"I know.." you finally came back to reality.

"I want to go and help them NOW." Tears came back.

"Please, let's just have fun until I go home. I want to save them as soon as I can and I can't stop thinking about Sai.."

He looked at you and whipped his tears. He stood up with an effort and walked toward the radio. He turned on some music and proposed you to dance, handing you his hands.
You grabbed them and started to dance with the music rhythm. He smiled. Your heart melt. It was way too cute for you. He was way to handsome for you. He turned you around with his arms. You laughed and so did he. It was like you were in heaven. Again, it was just you and him on Earth. The time had stopped and all you could think about was Shikamaru and Sai.

*knock knock*

"Y/n? We're heading home!" Your mom was at the door.

Shit. Fucking up this beautiful moment, huh? The Nara boy stopped the music and opened the door. You mom was smiling and she added.

"Have fun here."

"What? You mean..?" You was surprised.

"There, a change of clothes." She handed you a bag. "They are kunais and shurikens inside also. All your ninja stuff. Do your best tomorrow! Dad and I love you" she kissed your forehead and waved at you.

What? You can stay over! It was like a dream. But tomorrow was going to be a nightmare. Shikamaru looked at you. You could read what was inside his eyes. You didn't wait, you hugged him. He sighed in pleasure. The door was still open and his dad was about to knock on it.

"Oh, Sorry." He smirked. His son and him are the exact same. Except this scar. It has a charm.

"Dad, go ahead and talk" the two of you broke the hug.

"Yes. So Shikamaru as you might know her parents let her sleep over. Obviously it won't be in your room. I don't want to be a grandpa yet." He said.

"What a drag. You don't remember how many g–" he stopped. He looked at you. "Nothing"

"Hm?" Your stared at his eyes.

"Son.. what a bad thing to say in front of your woman" the dad laughed.

Shikamaru scratched behind his head "Shit" he smiled nervously.

You laughed. "I don't care, for real, I know how many salops —sorry for the term.. went in this room"

"Fine. Anyways, let me show you the room you will stay in, y/n."

You followed Shikaku and arrived in a enormous room with a double (maybe for three persons) bed and a lot of space. You wished Shikamaru could sleep with you tonight. You looked at his dad. He knew what was in your mind.

"Huh.. I'll ask him to come over" he rolled his eyes "you youngsters.." he rolled his eyes and mocked.

You thanked him and jumped on the bed. You laid down on your back, staring at the white ceiling. I wish Sai was here. You thought. It was enough to bring back the fact he was in danger. Shit. Now tears are falling.

"Are you okay?" You heard.

"Yeah." You whipped your tears. "Thinking about Sai."

Shikamaru sat up next to you and grabbed your hand.

"Let's sleep. Faster we sleep, faster we wake up." He said. "And I like to sleep" he added.

You started to take out your clothes. Your mom didn't bring pyjamas. Wasn't a problem anyways, it's not like you was with an unknown boy. He dressed off two, staying in his boxers. You was in underwear.
Under the cover, you started to shiver. Shika grabbed you and put you against his hot body. You smiled in his neck. Your eyes were closing. His also.
A good night of sleep before an horrible day.

Omoi Series: Trio of love (Sai x Shikamaru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now