8. Shikamaru's house

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Shikamaru's house was big. You took your shoes off and started to walk around. You took him by the hand and walked around pulling him behind you.

"Show me every room" you smiled.

"Sure." He then walked next to you still holding your hand.

After you got a house tour, the two of you headed out to his room. You sat on his bed and watched around. The room had a lot of space but Shikamaru didn't use it.

"Sooo..?" He said, looking at you, a hand behind his head.

"Whatcha want to do?" You asked, smirking, knowing exactly what he wants to do.

"You see..." he blushed.

You stand up and walked towards him. You put yourself in tiptoe and kissed him, mixing your saliva with his. A hand went behind his head, purring fingers in his straight dark brown hair. He passed a hand on your back before reaching your butt. Gently passing his hand on it, grabbing it at some times. It was exciting you.

He broke the kiss and lifted you up, spreading your legs and bringing you on his bed as your legs were around his waist. You blushed as he started to kiss your neck, slowly going down. He stopped and took off your shirt exposing those breast that he loved so much. He put his head in between and moved it. The action made you laugh and he laughed also. His hands headed on your pants zipper and started to slowly get it down.

He took your pants off easily and started to undress himself. It was around 3 in the afternoon. The sun was rising through the wide window. You sat on the bed and untied your bra before throwing it away as well as your panties. The Nara boy watched you as he finally slid off his boxers. The big tree he had between his legs moved up and down, happy to be free.

You walked towards him and put yourself on your knees before taking the penis of your lover. You kissed it before putting your lips on the top and passing your tongue on it. The pleasured cringes of Shikamaru made you happy. He grabbed your hair in a ponytail and you started to suck him. He groaned as you put it all the way in your throat before taking it out. You started to do a hickey on it and he groaned even deeper. Goosebumps were spreading all around his legs.

"My turn" he said. He lifted you up and threw you on the bed. He spread your legs and put one on his shoulder. He started to kiss all around your flower. He slid one finger into it. Your mouth opened but no sound came out of it.

"Huh" he moaned before shaking his finger into you, making your voice get out of your throat.

"I rather this" he took out the finger and sucked it.

He purred his head between your legs and started to lick your clit and sometimes the entry of your vagina. He put a hand on your left ass cheek and rubbed it gently.

"Ahhhhh~ I... want you.... inside..." you could finally moan out of your stomach.

"Everything you want, princess" And as he said, he put you in the middle of the bed, following the vertical sense.

Shikamaru leaned above you and put his tip in, slowly pushing himself in your hot cavity. A moan came out of his mouth as he put his head between your neck and shoulder. The sensation of him thrusting slowly was heaven. You put you hands on the Nara boy's back and he started to get faster. Your nails dug small holes in him.

He knew where he had to thrust to make you squirt all over, but he didn't want you to come this fast. He was going slowly and with love. He wasn't fucking you. Shikamaru was making love with you. Heart beats and sweat. Kisses and caresses.

You felt him move differently, like a 4. Your back arched a bit and you felt him smile on your shoulder skin. He lifted his head up and looked at you, smiled and kissed you. You blushed and smile as your smiling lips touched. This feeling was incredible. You forgot everything around you, all your pains, all your misfortune times, everything. It was just Shikamaru and you. And at some point, Sai.

"I love you." He whispered in your ear, spontaneously.

You felt your heart beat out of you and down here, you felt yourself getting closer to where you had to go. Your legs shook a bit.

"Not yet" he told you, and he started to thrust slowly, loosing the 4 shaped pattern. "I want to feel like this for ever" he could talk normally but you knew he was having pleasure. His face was red and sweaty as well as all his body. The way his respiration was irregular. His hands and arms squeezing you gently against him.

Maybe a good 30 minutes passed, and the two of you were still at it. Your insides were crying of pleasure. Then, Shikamaru kissed your cheek and put pressure on his hands, making him way above you. He smiled and gave a hard thrust right in your G-spot. You knew what was going on.

He pushed, further in you. The furthest he could. You groaned angrily. It was hurting but at the same time pleasuring. Then he stopped and thrust had enough to make your body move along.

"Sa..Shikamaru I'm going to" you didn't even realise you mixed their names. He knew you loved both of them and it didn't really matter cause he loved the both of you too, and he also knew about Sai's feelings.

"I..know... go ahead" and he grabbed your moving breast.

"Oh fuckkkkkk~" you said, before all of you arched and a gooey white-yellow liquid slid out of you, went all around your lovers member, making the lubrification even easier. You came, but he didn't stop.

"Good, huh..." he moaned, looking down at your flower. "You never came so didn– ahhhhhh~ fuck sake" he started to say, but came. More white stuff came out of you.
"I'm sorry I.. didn't pull out.." his face started to change and he looked worried about your reaction.

"Don't worry, I'm not on the fertile time anyways" his face turned back to normal and the only thing you could hear were your jerky breathings.

He got himself out of you and fell on you. "My back hurts, you got me" he laughed.

"Wanna take a shower" you said.

"May I get in with you?" He asked, but already knew the answer.

"Obviously." You laughed. P

He got up, proposed you a hand. The way his eyes were looking at you. It was saying "this beautiful thing is mine, holy crap". You blushed and grabbed his hand. The two of you headed for the shower and stayed in here, cuddling for about ten minutes.

"Shikamaru?" Both of you heard. "Tadaima!"

"My mom. What a drag." He said. He didn't look worried that she was here when both of you were together naked.

"You..? Don't care about me behind here?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Iē, you're not the first girl I bring home. Don't get it badly tho" he said, putting his hand behind his head as a sorry.

"Oh, okay." You said.

Both of you got out and you dressed in his grey sweater and put your panties back on. He wore a black t-shirt and a red sports shirt. His mom got in the room.

"Oh, hello" she smiled. "You're the girl he's always talking about?" She asked, still smiling.

You watched Shikamaru blushing. "Mom..." he said looking at her like she revealed the biggest secret of his life.

She laughed "Oh c'mon. Then it's definitely her"

You smiled at her and she blinked at you. "Y/n... what a cute name, I'm happy he found a girlfriend as cute as you"

"Mom can you?" Shikamaru was red as when he was in you after an hour.

"Fine, Fine. Do you want to stay for dinner?" She asked you.

"Oh yes sure.. but I have to tell my parents about it."

"Oh, even better, let's meet all together" she said. "Who are they?"

"<your name clan>"

"REALLY? We are great friends! I'll definitely invite them." She smiled and got out of his sons room.

"She's not like you describe her at all, she looks so nice" you laughed.

"Yeah.. because she knows about you more than everything" he said as he took you by the hand. "I couldn't hide it from my mom how much I was in love with Sai and you."

Omoi Series: Trio of love (Sai x Shikamaru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now