10. Sakura's hell

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Sai saw Sakura in the middle of all the guys. He started to feel that she weakened. Not having a lot of chakra neither, he tried his best to get away from his assailants and save his friend. When he finally stuck his kunain in his last enemy's heart, Sakura and the group already disappeared.

She was in the middle of them. The pink haired girl could see her comrades fighting and she didn't want to give up. She was the medical ninja of the team, they needed her. All the men around her looked at each other and smirked. She didn't exactly know what was going to happen. One of then threw a dust bomb on the floor and she felt herself grabbed. 'Shit I lost my guard' she thought. Where the hell they brought her?

She heard one of then using a Doton jutsu and it was all dark around her. 'Calm down' she thought, she had a bad feeling about this. She saw a light. Then two. Then five. Five men where holding a torchlight. The were all smirking. They were all naked. Sakura opened her mouth but someone grabbed her wrists and tied it.

"What the hell are you doing?" She screamed.

"We decided we wanted ya" one of them said.

"Get lost!" She answered.

Someone didn't appreciate the way she talked. He put his wooden torch on her clothes and it started to burn.

"Turn it off! What the hell!" She started to feel the fire burning her skin. "Fuck, ugh let go of me!"

"Stop this, Fuko" and a water element user blew on her.

Her shirt was ripped in half and it was showing in between her boobs. They weren't big, thanks to her. They looked at each other and put their torch on the wall. The mud house was fully lit. She could see all of their ugly and devouring faces.

One of them grabbed her legs, trying to take out her shorts under her skirt. She kicked him away.

"You bitch!" He shouted. He didn't come back for her, he was probably too knocked.

Another grabbed a kunain from Kami knows where and put it under her chin. 'Why me? What the hell did I do for this? I'm still a virgin... Sasuke..' Tears started falling on her cheeks.

"Don't cry, sweet darling. We will be gentle" one of them said. He was the cutest, for her, but still not attractive.

"If ya are cooperative gial, we'll end that fast, 'kay?" The one holding the weapon said.

She nodded.

In Konoha, Sai's message was about to arrive.

You smiled at Shikamaru. He was so cute. Your parents were about to come and you didn't know what kind of reaction they'll have. They might like him.

"I have a bad feeling about Sai and his team" he said, out of nowhere.

"Really? Me too.. like.. I don't know.. Sakura" you could feel as something was wrong. Sakura was the girl you were the closest with. And she was about to get raped.

"Let's get out a bit, I think it should be nice. We'll come back in time for diner" Shikamaru smiled.

"Good idea."

You got out of the house and walked outside for a bit. Shikamaru grabbed your hand and interlaced your fingers. You blushed and he smiled at you, eyes closed. It was the cutest smile ever. Then you thought about Sai, and your heart started to beat even faster.

The sky was light pink. You looked up and told Shikamaru. He also lifted his head. "It's cute" he said. 'Like you' he thought. But he couldn't say it. It was like.. too much. You still walked hand in hand and saw Shino.

Omoi Series: Trio of love (Sai x Shikamaru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now