9. Troubles, thoughts

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Thanks to AlexHaruka who's following the story since the beginning ! Kisses on you :)

Sai walked around the cute and cozy house Yamato build up with mokuton no jutsu. They couldn't sleep well because of this persistent chakra following them, but they could get hasty.

"Oi, Sai." The pale boy heard. It was Naruto. "My turn, get some rest" he yawned and started to walk next to Sai.

"What do you want, mister no equipment?" The shorty asked. He was a bit shorter than the blondie and he was always getting jokes on it. Like just what was going to come up.

"I'm doing what they told me to do, ANT." He watched Sai as a real Pissed-Naruto-Face like.

Sai rolled up his eyes and headed towards the door. He opened it, took out his shoes and walked to the main room. Yamato-taichō was drinking some tea and Sakura counting her stuff. "I'll nap" Sai told them. He just got "ok"s as answer.

His dream was weird. He felt cold sweat on his neck and a hot air blew on his nose. He opened his eyes and the sun was shiny. Naruto's hair were too. WAIT WHAT?! The noisy boy was sleeping right next to Sai. Way too close. Sai pushed the blondie away with woke him up violently.

"Hum wha..what Sakura-chan?" He asked, a bulb growing on his head due to the shock he had against the wood wall.

"Why the hell were you sleeping here ?!" Sai shouted. All eyes on him.

"Naruto?" Asked Sakura.

"What no I?" He didn't know himself what was going on. Sai acted like nothing happened. They had to move on.

"Sakura-san, You still feel it, right?" He asked


An hour later, direction the meeting point.

"Okay, you know what we have to do. Don't kill them, just capture them. Understood?" Yamato reminded them.




They were running on the red sand. It looked like they were on another continent. The Chakra felt earlier disappeared a while ago. But Sai didn't put his guard down anyways. Naruto, as always, was careless.
A hand got out of the sand and grabbed the jinchuriki's ankle.

"Oi what the ohh-" we could hear before the boy got pulled in the sand.

"Naruto!" Sakura screamed.

"Shit" Yamato let go of his mouth.

"What? What do we do?" Sai asked. "We have to look for him, it can be the Akatsuki.."

"I know. If we had Kiba.. or Hinata.. we could know were his location at...." Yamato thought.

"I will send a drawn crawl" the shorty proposed.

The captain and Sakura nodded. Sai wrote his message and sent it. He looked at his comrades. They were worried. He understood why. He would be the same if he lose you or Shikamaru.

"We have to look for him" The girl said.

They all started to run around, trying to feel the boy's chakra. How could it happen? How did they knew they were going to be here at this specific moment? They were close to the point the two messing-nins were about to meet. Was it a trap? It was probably a trap.
Sai was confused. He hoped he wasn't in this. He hoped he was with Shikamaru talking about you. He didn't like the blondie yet he was forced to worry and look for his stupid ass.

After a long walk in the sand, they started to loose hope. Sakura felt a strange energy not far away. She then felt her friends chakra. Looking all around her, she saw a structure.

"Can you feel something?" The mokuton user asked, seeing Sakura looking around.

"Hai. Here." She pointed at the weird house. Made in a red (like the sand) blocks.

Sai concentrated a bit. "Me too" he finally felt.

"Hai. I'm going to surrender the house." The man clapped in his hands and a few trees closed the house tight. "Alright"

They all headed towards the house. As soon as they were close enough, they heard the blondie shout out loud.

"What do you want? Let me go! Oi!!" He kept saying.

'I would put tape on his mouth, if I was them' Sai thought.

Two tall ninjas came out of the wood followed by a tiny one, looking like a farmer. One cut it with his katana, another punched the wood out and the third got out from his friend's hole.

"Ya're this jackass frends, huh?" The shorter said, with a ducky voice.

"Who the hell are you?" Sakura asked. "You don't even a forehead protector"

"Shot hup. Ya pink haired gurl doh have the raight to tak" he said. His teeth were clearly missing.

Sakura's fist tightened. "Calm down, Sakura-san" Sai told her. "Give him back" he ordered the three ninjas.

"No way" the fattest said with a very low pitched voice. "Give us the money"

"What money?" Yamato asked.

"Tha Akatsuki gav my whole team tha mission and they gonna giv as money if ya hav tha same amount we giv ya stupid frend back" the annoying one said. Sai couldn't stand him anymore.

"Ninpou : cho ju giga !" He shouted. Three lions jumped on the three of them, blocking them on the ground.

"You think you got us?" The fatty asked and laughed.

As soon as they could realise, they were surrounded by at least twenty people. 'Oh shit I really want to be out of this' Sai thought. 

"We have to fight, then?" Sakura said, smirking. "CHA" she hit one of them with her fist, pushing the boy into the sand creating a cloud of dust.

Yamato started to fight too. Sai has no other choice.

They were strong. Sakura was in the middle of five of them, her chakra almost empty. It looked like they came from every piece of land they could see. They weren't 20 anymore, but a 100.

"Lok at dem, Shō, they will neva win against us!" The leader said with an evil laugh.

"Yes. Taichō"

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