13. Ikuze

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It was still night time. You woke up feeling a hot air on your forehead. You tried to move but you were stuck. To be correct, you were tightened. It was a nice feeling. You looked around you. Your eyes were still not used to the darkness.
Shikamaru groaned something in his sleep. You knew now he was holding you. He said your name.

"Y/n... no not here I..." he rolled over, letting you go. "Sai.. yes.." you smiled.

You looked at the time. It was 4 in the morning. Dawn was close. You asked yourself if you had to get ready now or later. You didn't want to wake the brunet yet, he seemed so peaceful. You cuddled up behind his back. It was hot and sweaty, but you didn't care. You closed your eyes and thought about Sai. You wondered what happened if you used your jutsu. Hm. You didn't. And you couldn't anyways. You had to watch in the person's eyes to activate it. You started to cry. Sai.. Sakura.. Yamato.. and even that annoying shit of Naruto.. you had a REALLY bad feeling.

The alarm rang. Shikamaru mumbled something incomprehensible. "What a drag" he hit the clock. He didn't realised you were here until you poked his back. He rolled over.

"Good morning beautiful" he said, yawning.

"Ohaio, my love" you smiled.

He grabbed your ass and laughed. "Slept well?"

"Yes." You answered putting your hand on his.

"Let's get ready." You nodded.

After the two of you showered and dressed, you packed your stuff and before going out, Shikamaru wrote a note for his parents.

"We are our for the mission. Don't worry, i will come back alive. Y/n is with me. Notice it to her parents. Love you both.
5:37 AM. Shikamaru Nara."

He smiled as he signed it. You could see he loved his parents a lot. They understood each other very well –except for the fact that his dad chose such a rough woman.

You two walked out of the house. You headed towards the Northern Gate. You were pretty exited but at the same time, anxious. Shikamaru's eyes were crying before of the cold wind. You found it cute. Everything was cute about Sai and him.

Arrived to the gate, Kiba and Chōjis were waving at you. You smiled and then and ran into Kiba's arms. He was your closest friend after Sai. And obviously Shikamaru. The red cheeked boy smiled.

"How is this cute little couple?" He asked.

"We're fine, how about you and Tenten?" Shikamaru answered and asked back.

"NANIIIIII?" You were surprised. None of them told you they were in couple. Tenten was also a good friend of you.

"Yeah" he scratched begins his head. "It's going slowly, but it's nice" he blushed.

"Ohh that is nice" said Choji, already eating another potatochips bag.

"OHAIOOOOO" screamed Ino who ran and jumped into your arms. She liked you a lot.

"Woaw hi Ino" you laughed. "You have energy this morning"

"Yeah! Hinata and Shino are far behind.. they're a couple of snails! So slow!" She laughed ever harder. All of you laughed.

"Shikamaru-kun, Kiba-kun, Choji-kun!" Hinata said. Maybe she was screaming, but it wasn't that loud.

"Hello everyone" said Shino.

"Y/n-san !" Hinata hugged you. It made a long time you didn't see each other. She became really pretty. Her hair grew even longer. Last time you saw her, it was shoulder length.

Omoi Series: Trio of love (Sai x Shikamaru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now