11. Naruto's rampage

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He saw it. He saw everything. He saw they they took her. He saw when they knocked him out. He saw when they tied the other up. And all he could do was stay in this stupid house.

"I'll lend you my power" Kurama said, smirking.

"I don't need you!" The blonde boy retorted.

"Sure you need" the Fox replied, spreading his cloak. "Here. Kill them all."

"I DONT WANT YOU!" Naruto screamed.

"Don't you see your friends, brat? 'I'll protect them all, and I never take back my words, that's my way of the ninja' don't you said?" Kyūbi forced. Naruto started to feel more rage inside his heart.

"LET ME GIVE YOU MY POWERS" Kurama roared before spreading chakra into the boy's body.

Naruto's eyes turned red instead of the beautiful ocean blue they were. His pupils were like a cat's. Black lines around. His teeth and canines grew and became sharper. His nails went out and were tranchant as ever. The orange cloak around him bubbled noisily.

The two guards around him started to freak out. "What the fuck is that boy?!" One asked, pointing his weapon at the blondie.

"That's why we came here for!! The Akatsuki paid us for that Jinchuriki! We had to make like we were messing-ninjas...! Don't you remember? That bratty shit of Sasuke was supposed to be a lure..—" Naruto jumped out of his ties and chair. He cut the man's throat and the ninja fell in agony. Naruto watched the other.

"You shouldn't have said this." The boy let out.

"I.. me? No.. I didn't.. Oi... I didn't.. HEY..! NO I DIDNT TALK PLEASE... I–" and dead he was.

Naruto went out, walking like a fox. He had two tails. And he felt anger. A lot of anger.

"That's the way to go, kid" Kurama laughed evilly.

He saw Yamato, tied. The man had his head down. The enemies were giving him kicks and weapons bangs. The captain didn't even make a sound anymore. Was he dead? No. Naruto could feel he wasn't. The blondie rushed to his friend assailant.

He jumped on the long haired one. He dug his sharp nails in the man's rib cage, grabbed his heart and threw it away. The others, seeing their friend being killed so violently, tried to escape. Naruto grabbed two of them with his tails. The chakra was burning the men's skin and they started to scream in pain. The blondie didn't care about them. He ran towards two others and before they could realise, their bellies were sliced. The last one begged for pity, but Naruto was out. Who deserved pity? You? Surely not. The boy grabbed the man's head and with his other hand grabbed his shoulder. He broke through his ennemi's face's skin, turned it on the left and his other arm turned the whole body on the right.

The two that were grabbed by the tails weren't screaming anymore. They were dry. Their chakra all consumed. Their skin burned by the cloak. Naruto was satisfied. He straightened his tails, making the dead bodies fall on the sand. He looked at his taichō. Closed his eyes for three seconds and ran towards Sai's location.

He arrived. The pale boy was out on the ground. The men's were around him. They were talking, like nothing happened. Naruto arrived at their side. He smirked. He popped a hole in the jugular of one in the group. Blood started to escape and a violent fall came out like it was during a hurricane. The men watched their friend loosing all his blood with horror. How the fuck it happened? If you knew..

Before the man fell on the ground, Naruto grabbed him. All the ennemies pointed their weapons at the blondie. He threw the corpse away. The jinchuriki stood up. He closed his eyes and as soon a he opened it back, he was surrounded all over. He felt himself disappear. 'I'm sorry. Sakura. Sai.' he thought. The cloak started to evaporate. His eyes turned back blue. He claws and fangs went back inside of his body. The fell on the sand, knees first. It as already night time. Shit. It was a loss.

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