Tessa pov : I woke up the next morning in the same position back hurting like hell! I decided it was time to get ready so I got changed into this
I was done and was ready to walk out but then all the memories came back to me and I went to open the door but hesitated because of me not knowing if chance was still there when I opened the door he fell back on to my legs and eat groomed waking up.
Chance: Tessa are you okay after last night. Why did you run away? You had me thinking I did something wrong. I just can't come to reason what I did so wrong that made you run away from me like you saw a ghost.
Tessa: chance I'm so sorry I just don't know how to tell you and if I did you will be so mad and what we have will end before it even starts and I can't take that chance I just have to let you go because I'm so scared I'm very sorry.
Chance: Tessa you can tell me and I promise you I won't get mad and if it's that big of a deal I will support you no matter what.
Tessa: but -
Chance: no but let's go now
Nobody's point of view: they went in castles room and sat down on her bed Tessa was shaking of fear to tell chance chance was just very very confused or what he did so wrong as they went to start talking chance notice that Tessa was shaking and he hugged her to comfort her Tessa signed and relaxation but still was very worried. Suddenly Tessa started to cry
Chance: Tessa what's wrong
Tessa: I'm just so scared
Chance: go ahead tell me Tessa
Tessa: remember my ex Brian he was such a horrible person and that night he raped me I got pregnant I just never told him because we ended it I when I told my mom she was so disappointed in me that she kicked me out and I was so scared to raise a kid so she told me to give it up but I just couldn't do that I'm not that type of person so I kept the baby full term but when the baby was born my mom had them take the baby so she was took it away from me but the lady told me if I was ever ready or needed somebody to talk to she will be there or the day that I come. I want her back I can get her I've been secretly seeing the little girl now and she makes me so happy but I was going to get her but then I started , well seeing you and I just don't think you're ready for that so I have to end it with you cuz I need my baby girl back and I know I'm not asking for you to come with me and be there for the kid I'm just asking that you like we still be my friend because tomorrow I go get my girl and I'm going to get her with or without you but just no chance Sutton I do love you I love you from the bottom of my heart now just been hiding these feelings but I can't do it no more I'm sorry.
Chance:woah that's alot to take in ,but who said I wouldn't be there for you. How old is she
Tessa:she is 2 months old
Chance:well then it looks like I still got time for her to learn to call me daddy.
Tessa: chance no, don't do this you have your whole life ahead of you.
Chance:and I still do just with two more females in it. That I'm going to love.tessa and what's her name?
Tessa:her name is makenna (suggest some names and I'll pick one I like the most~author)
Guys so I figured out where Im going with this story so I will update more now and forget about my stupid schedule also I got my nails done so it's harder to type but I end up having 700 words.
Hayran KurguChessa story Will they last? They went from good to be in every two chapter will there love keep them together or will they go astray from each other?????