Chapter 1

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"Urgh... This is frustrating! "

Raven didn't seem to faze by Alma's ranting about their caretaker disappearance from time to time.while muse trying to sew and listening Alma's ranting patiently.

"It's like when I tried to call him he doesn't answer and everytime I did try and call him it's when either a bank robbery or a ice psycho trying to destroy the city"
Alma finished her ranting with a pant.

"Ya think? Bruce and Dick always disappear every night and everytime we try to sneak into his or Dick's room he always know somehow... "Muse say calm yet irritated at the same time.

While Raven was trying to put the pieces together suddenly the tv was put on a news about Batman, flash, green arrow with their protogè fighting against the joker,penguin,and killer frost.

"Yet the fight of these three heroes and their protogè was actually winning against the joker, penguin, and killer frost. The police... "

Raven cut the reporter in the tv
"Alma try and call Barry, muse-"

"On it raven" muse cut in while dialing Bruce's phone same with Alma dialing Barry's phone.

"He's not answering"Alma

"Same here" Muse stated.

"Oliver? "Asked Raven.
Muse try dialed Oliver. A few seconds later muse frowned.

"He doesn't answer either...  Weird it's noon and it's lunchtime Barry supposed to be able have lunchtime since he's a normal lab worker and bruce and Oliver should have their lunch much to Alfred dismay" Muse explain.

"How about we try and dial Wally, Dick, and Roy? "Alma suggested.

"Sounds good to me"Muse agreed.

Muse tried dial Dick while Raven and Alma tried to dial Wally and Roy. A few seconds later they frowned and Alma threw her phone to the desk.

"Nope" Alma says irritatedly.

"Nadda"Muse scowl.

"Zero" Raven frowned suspecting something.

As in que the three girls looking at each other having a conversation with their eyes and at the same time they look at the tv that is live streaming the fight between the three heroes with their protogè and the villains.

"Well there's one way to find out is to sneak into bruce office without him or Dick or Alfred knowing. " Raven says determinedly.

Muse frowned "But how...? I mean it's hard so... Oh, ooooh... "

Alma still trying to figure out what they mean then it clicked.
"You Guys are the worst and awesome bff in the world"she says with a wicked smirk like the other two girls.

"Let's get ready for some GIRLS SLEEP OVER WOOO!! "Muse yell excitedly.


"A sleep over ?" Bruce asked confuse with the girls attitude.

"Please bruce wally and Roy get to come to sleep over with Dick why not Alma ?"Muse asked pleadingly at Bruce.

"Yes we also want some girls time" Raven say-that shocked bruce because there's a hint of excitement in her Stoic voice.

So bruce decided it's better because somehow it's a better way for the three of them to get open up with their caretaker.And it somehow make them occupied while he and Dick went patrolling.

"Alright. Since tomorrow is weekend the three of you allowed to have a sleep over.And there is-" Bruce didn't manage to finish his word when muse start squealing while spinning herself and Raven around happily.

"Thanks Bruce" Muse squealed and ran up to kiss Bruce right cheek.

"Thanks Bruce" Raven says stoically although there is a hint of excitment and doing the same as Muse kissing Bruce left cheek.
Then she ran up to follow Muse leaving Bruce dumbstruck.

While Raven and Muse giggled-well Muse is-at Bruce's face. Then they smirk wickedly.

"Phase one done~" Muse say in a sing song voice.

"Phase two is on the go" Raven say with a mischief in her voice.

Continue next chapter...

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