Chapter 4

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In the next morning
With Alma

"Urgh can't they just see it! I mean... They're just so IDIOT!!
I mean-ugh how many times do I have to say to them 'don't make promises that you can't even guarantee'... You know what I mean right? " I say while turning to my other patience listener's(which where my favorite stuffed animals)
"And I am talking to a bunch of dolls" I say sarcastically.

I heard a knock and I frowned already know who's knocking.
"Alma come on you can't be mad at us-I mean you actually have the right to mad at us-"

"Oh so you mean I have to be mad at you? "I say angrily cutting of Ollie's sentence.

"Wha-no!sigh what I mean is I know we made a mistake... Just give us a second chance"Ollie says sadly through the door.

I thought for a second whether should I forgive him or turn him down. 'But it's Christmas Eve he deserve to be forgiven' said my little heart. I groan and turn to open up the door to see a sad Oliver-well his face brightened up after see me open the door.

"One last chance and next time if you can't guarantee your promises don't. Make. One. Get it? "I say dare him to do it.

"Alright. Now can we go ? Bruce and Barry still try to convince Muse and Raven" he asked me.

"Alright... But you get to prank Barry and hal to be under a mistletoe. Me and the other already planned it soooo long"

With Raven


pparently I was trying to concentrate in my mind palace trying to solve some new case that Muse-to my dismay-steal from the batcomputer.

'Seriously who name their computer after a mammal?...well Bruce does' I thought.

As I sit up from my upside down position to search another case In my laptop as a knock interrupted the times the hand knock on the door (which is five times) it's Barry.

"You don't need to confront me Barry"I say boredly

"Wha-how did you-"

"Every time Bruce knock is always three times and a slow soft motion while yours always five times with a beat"I explain-cut him off.

I heard a muffled sigh through the door."look i know you're angry-"

"I'm not angry I'm an high functioning sociopath" I gritted out my teeth.

"But let us explain what happen "
I sigh and then I opened the door using my Stoic facade but my eyes are showing anger.

"Alright... Explain, you've got ten minutes"I say while crossing my arms.

"Look we are busy people and I know you doesn't like the fact that three of us-"

"Six. Of you"

"Alright-six of us overworked too much but it's just... It's just hard to explain" he finished with a sad looks.
"You're a normal lab worker not the head of the division shouldn't you not able to experimented an alien technology that the justice league brought? Because only an high authority from the lab and the specialist can only do it. And from your data that Muse found you just a normal lab worker" I explained to him of every theory I found

"How-but that's classified!! " he says shocked that the fact I know about his job

"Me and the others agreed to a terms we made"I say stoically.
"And I agree to stay with you and Wally while Alma are going with Ollie,because we don't want you guys to overworked and killed your self" after I said that his face Brightened.

"So that's means... "

"Just because I'm giving you a second chance doesn't mean I'm hesitate if next time it happened again" I threatened him while walking passed by.

With Muse

I was in my bed listening to 'waltz in minor A' I got carried in the music. Music always calms me down after an wrath episode-that Raven like to call-and chill me out. Somehow my parents give me the name Muse based off the Greek story of a goddesses of art and proclaimed of heroes, hence my art talents.i headr a soft knock on my door which I instantly know that is Bruce's knock. 'Guess Raven give me a nice influence' I thought.

"Urgh... Wadda'ya want!? "I called through the door.there's a beat of silence. 'He's hesitate-of course he is, he doesn't even know how to understand children' I thought as a matter of factly.

"Sigh Muse look I may have been not the best at parenting but I know you for three years and I know you girls are worried about us but we're adults-"

"Correction you, Barry and Oliver are adults. Roy, Dick and Wally are basically still a teenagers"

"Just let me finish... I guess we just forgot? " I scoffed at his questioned statemen.

"Ok this is not working-DICK IS NOT WORKING"he hollered
And then I heard a muffled 'try to improvised or... Something'

So my curiosity get the best of me I opened the door to see Bruce holding a piece of paper and when I look on the left I saw the whole gang peeking on the other side of the hall.




"I DON'T-"


"ow Raven... " complained Wally since his ears are the closets to Raven's mouth.

"While you sirs and misses yelling at each other I supposed we could have breakfast so we can talk normally"Alfred cut in


"WALLY-stop please... Stop"
Says Alma.

Continue in next chapter...

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