Chapter eleven

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I stayed laying on the sofa thinking of all the things me and Craig did last night and wondered if he was doing the same as me.

I thought about how we talked last night. How he started to let me into his world, and I let him into mine.

I rolled off the couch and trudged down to my house, Buster followed after me.

I ran a warm shower and washed the sticky bits of alcohol from my hair.

The warm water released my tensed and tired muscles.

After I was done I got dressed and ready for the day that lay ahead of me.

I picked up all the dirty clothes from my floor and threw them into a hamper. I hate laundry but it was better then letting my mind wonder with thoughts of Craig.

I also washed all of my Grandmothers things and tidied Aggy's house a little.

I needed to run a few errands. I needed more milk for my coffee and had to get some more meats for dinner.

I tried searching for my purse unsure of where it could have gone.

I searched all of Aggy's house but it wasn't their.

I tore my guest house apart searching for the damn thing but with no luck.

Then it hit me.

I had left my purse at Craig's.

I would have to go over there to get it. I had no other option. It would give me a chance to explain why I ran out so fast this morning but it still made me a little nervous.

This time I would walk around to the front of his house. The trees were looking a little battered and I didn't want anyone to suspect anything.

I slowly make the walk around to his front door truly seeing it for the first time.

I knocked quietly then a little harder to make sure they could hear me.

It was around 11 and I hoped they were up.

Craig opened the door even though I hoped it would be Mark.

"Hi!" I said smiling.

"Hey Hottie" he said leaning against his door frame.

"Come back for seconds?" He asked cockily.

I put my hands on my hip.

"Actually as much as I would love another round - I really need my purse"

"Hmm ok, come on in" he let me enter the house.

"Do you know where it is" he asked

I thought for a moment.

"It may be in you bedroom" I said sheepishly.

I had forgotten that I had taken it up with me. I always had condoms in their just in case.

He lead me up to his room, but it looked much different in the light then it did in the dark.

It was a grey colour, there were a few snowboards on his floor by his closet and I noticed a few posters on his walls.

It also wasn't the cleanest. He had his clothes from last night strewn across the room and a pile of other dirty clothes in the corner.

I looked around and spotted my purse on his desk.

"there it is!" I chirped and went to grab it off the desk.

I turned around to face Craig.

"So why'd ya leave so fast this morning" he asked brushing his fingers threw his hair again. Maybe it was a habit. It was very attractive when he did it so I didn't complain.

"I needed to get my Grandmother up and ready. Sorry." I confessed.

"Oh right that fine" he said back giving me a half smile.

"Do you wanna hang out?" He asked me after a few moments of silence.

"I would love to! But... I have to go get groceries. "

He looked down, the smile dropped slightly from his face.

"How bout you come over to my guest house tonight - around 10. You can bring those Palm Bays I left. " I batted my eyelashes hoping he would say yes.

"Sure!" He smiled and grabbed my finger tips as he lead me out of the room.

"See ya later" he called out to me as I walked down his driveway.

"Bye" I waved to him as I walked away.

I needed to get more booze while at the store.

You next door {Craig Mcmorris AU}Where stories live. Discover now