Chapter fifteen

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As I tightened my grip on his torso I unbuttoned his shirt revealing his toned abs.

I pressed my lips along his tummy and up to his neck. He moaned happily.

"Uhhmm" I heard somebody clear their throat.

I looked down at Craig but he looked just as confused as I did.

"Hudson" a voice croaked out from the corner of my room.

I slowly turned in the direction of the voice realizing exactly who it was.

"Gams" I said focusing in on her shocked face.

"I thought you were ill" she said unimpressed.

I quickly scrambled off of Craig and he followed in my lead. We were both standing at the foot of my bed like busted high schoolers.

Craig was trying to stifle his giggles. I elbowed him in the ribs and he grunted at the force.

"I apologize for interrupting you two kids." She spat out

"Gams it's two in the morning what are you doing here?" I questioned

"I came down to see if you were feeling better and you weren't here" she said

"When I found you to be missing I waited for you. Hudson I was worried sick. how could you be so irresponsible"

She was so disappointed.

"Ohh i'm sorry" I hung my head ashamed.

"Very well. I will see you in the morning. Be ready to explain yourself"

She looked to me then to Craig and excited the cottage.

I couldn't just let her walk up to the house by herself this late.

"I'll be right back Craiger" I said and followed her out the house.

I chased after her.

"Gams I am so sorry." I said linking arms with her.

"Hudson it's fine. You should have just told me what was going on. I known i'm old but I would have understood"

I apologized again before I tucked her into bed.

I kissed her on her wrinkly cheek and said "I love you" before I left.

I wondered if Craig was still at my cottage. That was so embarrassing I wouldn't have blamed him if had left.

I ran back down to my cottage and threw open the door. Craig was sitting on my couch in just his boxers.

"Hi" he said quietly

"Hi" I said back

I went to him and curled up in his lap relieved that his was still here.

"I'm sorry about my Grandma. That sure puts a damper on the mood eh?" I teased

"Thats ok I thought it was hilarious" he let out a big laugh and his eyes squinted tightly.

"Wanna come snuggle me?" I asked hoping he would say yes.

My head was pounding and all I wanted now was to be in that warm bed.

"Yep let's go!"

He scooped me up and carried me to my bedroom and we giggled like idiots the entire way.

Once wrapped in the sheets Craig returned his arms to my waist and pulled me in tightly.

"Night Craig" I said

"Night hottie" he giggled into my hair.

You next door {Craig Mcmorris AU}Where stories live. Discover now