"What no this a lie mom tell me it's a lie please" i yelled at my mom through my phone "I wish i was lying but i am not and Zack i need you to calm down for me ok?" she said with a dry rough voice. "What's wrong Zack what happened?" Olivia asked me "Thanks for inviting me but i have to go sorry Olivia" "Zack wait here take this" she handed me a piece of paper with numbers on it "Sorry what's this" i asked her she smiled "It's my phone number so you can tell me later what happened but anyway you should go" "Thanks Olivia" i said and i hesitated because i didn't know what else to say so i just gave her my hand and she smiled and shook it and i left.
I ran until i couldn't anymore i was one street away from were i live so i started to run and i finally got to court street and i took a deep breath i could feel my heart beating do hard that it felt it would pop out then i ran to the end of the street and i saw my mom sitting on the porch and i ran up the small stairs and she hugged me "Mom what happened to Adam?" i asked her "Adam sent a message to his parents a couple minutes ago the message was 851216! and his parents don't know what the numbers mean so they asked me to call you to see if you know what it means" my mother said "I don't know what it means mom!" i yelled at her "Zack don't yell at me please" she said now with a strong firm voice i let myself calm down then i said "I'm sorry mom i did not mean to talk to you like that in that disrespectful tone" "I know you didn't mean to yell at me but please you have to learn how to control your temper Zack now just sit down and think i know you can find a solution" she said with a more calmer voice.
I sat down on my swinging chair and i rocked and i was thinking what do the numbers mean? It's not Morse code so it's something else then my mind clicked. Adam always loved using this code were the numbers are alphabetic letters. "Mom i think i know what the message is" i said "What do you think it is Zack?" she asked me "He spelled out a word with numbers" i answered. I took out a piece of paper out of my black backpack and i wrote the alphabetic on the paper and i wrote numbers all the way to 26 and also wrote 85126 and on the alphabet i counted until i got to the letter h because it was the 8 letter in the alphabet and i did the same thing with the other number then i got the message "Mom i know what Adam said on that message" "What did he say Zack?" she asked with a scared, worried, tone i showed her the paper and the message was help!
"Son thank you so much for helping i will tell his parents" my mother said then she left and went next door to where Adam lives and i saw her knock on the door and Adam's parents came out and my mom told them. When she came back i asked her "Did Mr and Mrs Thompson call the police" i asked my mother "Yes they did but the police said we have to wait 48 hours until we can say he is missing" when my mother said that i felt my gut tell me that they have should not done that i don't know why but i felt they put Adam in danger if he really was in danger because we have to wait 48 hours to so see if he really was in danger so for right now we have to wait and see what would happen next. Then my mom smacked the back of my head "Ow was what that for mom?" "You scared the heck out of me why did you not come home directly after school!" my mother said with a firm tone "I-w-as doing s-something-g" i said stuttering "Doing what?" she asked "I was getting coffee with someone" "With who Zack?" "A girl" "Wait did you just said that you went to go get coffee with a girl!" my mother said with a excited tone "Mom don't get excited it was not a date" "Ok sure Zack" she said with a smile on her face.
"So what's her name" "Her name is Olivia cooper" i said "Well keep working on that Zack" "Mom it's not going to happen ok nothing is going to happen ok?" "Ok but anyway what is wrong with your eye it looks dark" she said pointing at my eye. I really hoped that my mom would have not noticed but of course the school would have already called my mom and told her what happened "Nothing" i said "Don't lie to me Zack the school has already told me that you got in a fight" "I swear i didn't fight back ok i wasn't going to disappoint you mom" she knew i was telling her the truth because i told her i would never hurt somebody again... the last time i got hurt was after my dad died this kid started to bully me and one day he tripped me when i was getting my lunch that's then he started to punch me and i got a couple punches because in that time i was still taking Taekwondo classes and i was pretty good with my kicks so when i had i chance i caught one of his punches and i turned his arm so i put my hand on his elbow and i pushed it down and he's back was in front of me then i kicked him in the back and he fell that's when someone grabbed me and told me to stop.

The Choice Series: Lost
Action#458 In Action 3/12/18 #146 in delinquent 5/21/18 #6 in Gone forever 6/21/18 "I felt tears on my cheek I closed my eyes and I felt weird I don't know how to explain it but I felt something rush through me like fire and electricity but this was not t...