chapter two

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I run to my next class and saw that everyone was lined up outside. Thank goodness, I would've been actually late.

I get behind someone in green with blond hair. Was this the kid I saw not even 15 minutes ago? He turns around.

He had blood dripping from his eye sockets.

"Hi you must be new. I'm Ben!" he greets and holds out his hand. I grab it and shake it. His hand was warm.

"I'm Lucy," I say and let go of his hand.

Then the teacher comes out and everyone goes in. When I get to her she smiles.

"You can go sit by Laughing Jack, the black and white one," she says and points to a black and white clown with a pointy nose with a black swirl.

I nod and walk into the class. I walk over to the seat next to Laughing Jack.

He glances at me then at the teacher.

"Hi," I say to him.

"Hello," he says.

"Ok so today we have a new student, so will Lucy stand up and introduce herself to the class." the teacher announces. I stand up.

"Hi I'm Lucy and I don't know what to say," I say.

"Tell us what powers you have since you come to this school." the teacher says.

"Uh, I have psychic powers which means I can control a lot of stuff...with my mind." I say and sit down.

"Well thank you Lucy," the teacher says.

Everyone's eyes were on me. Then I noticed the two kids I saw earlier. They were talking and not paying attention to the teacher teaching.

She turns around.

"Jeff! Toby! Care to come up and tell us what's so important it couldn't wait till after class."

They get up and come to the front I the class.

"We were talking about hanging out after school and what we were going to do," the black haired boy said who I think is Jeff. But it was obvious they were lying.

"The one with the brown hair is Toby, the other one is Jeff," LJ said.

"I figured," I say. Jeff and Toby sit down. I watched as they laughed quietly as the teacher began talking again. Toby glanced at me.

We then had to work in our notebooks. It was really boring because we were just learning about fighting strategies.

Soon it was time to go and I got up to put my notebook away. I then realized Toby and Jeff were by the crates that we had to put our notebooks in.

As I passed them I over heard them talking.

"Knifes are better because they are less weight on you," Jeff says.

"As if, hatchets give a better chance at killing someone," Toby says.

"Lets ask Lucy," Jeff says."Hey Lucy, can we ask you something?" Jeff asks.

I turn around. I wasn't in the mood to answer any questions.

"Sure!" I say with a smile.

"Which weapon do you prefer, knives or hatchets?" Jeff asks.

"I'd prefer hatchets, but I use my own weapon," I say.

"Like what?" Toby asks.

"I use swords, they're easier," I say.

"That's really cool, swords are cool," Jeff says.

"Yeah," I say. Then the guys stared at me bewildered. I felt my eyes turn red. I tensed up and went back to my seat. I grabbed my stuff and went out the door after everyone left.

"What was that all about?" I heard from Jeff. I then walked out the door and Toby was standing waiting for me.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," I say back. How can I be focused when something unavoidable is gonna happen to Jeff and Toby?

"So what's your next class?" Toby asks.

I look at my schedule. I have weaponry next.

"Weaponry," I say with a small smile.

"Me too, with Mr.Gabriel, right?" he asks.

"Yup, so I guess we can walk together right," I say.

"Yup! Its all the way down the hallway too which sucks really because we have to walk a long way," he says.

"Yeah, it does," I say. We walk to the end of the hallway. We get to the classroom and the teacher greets us and I sit in the back of the class.

We listen as Mr. Gabriel talks about bow arrows and their structures.

Soon it was time for third period. It was boring and no one I knew so far was in this class.

All we did was workmen our notes for third period and I was so close to falling asleep.

Soon it was lunch. I sat by myself at an almost empty table with a nerd. I looked at everyone around me and I felt revenge in me. It was really weird. It then went away and a nerd stared at me.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer," I say and get up and walk to the courtyard.

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