chapter thirteen

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Toby pov

"Hey Jeff, have you seen Lucy? I haven't seen her anywhere." I asked Jeff.

"Dude you didn't hear. She got in a fight with Clockwork and got suspended." WHAT!!

"Why? What did she do?" I asked.

"She attacked Clockwork then she went to the principals office." Jeff said.

"Do you know where she lives?" I asked furious.

"Yeah, I saw her sometime today when she walked to school today." he said.

"Come show me." I said and I followed Jeff all the way to Lucy's house.

I wanted to knock on the door but what was I going to say?

I knocked and Lucy opened it just a crack then she saw me and opened the door wide.

"What are you doing here?" she asks.

"We came to visit you." I said.

"Who's we?" I turned around and Jeff wasnt next to me. Oh he is so gonna pay.

"I came to visit you. I got worried when you got sent home early because of the fight." I said.

"Oh. Yeah but I don't want to talk about what happened today and what I saw." she said.

"Look I just wanted to know if you were ok because everybody is on your side now." I said.

"Really? Everyone is on my side?" she asked.

"Yup and if it makes you feel better im on your side too." she smiled.

"Thanks but you should get going. My brothers can kill yah." she said. I nodded and walked away to my house.

Lucy pov

He didn't need to check on me. Im a girl and he just decided that since I got suspended he would check on me, wow he is really nice.

I closed the door and watched him walk away. He seemed disappointed that I got in a fight on my third day of school.

At least no Clockwork for two weeks.

Clockwork pov

I have to go find a friend to help me get rid of Lucy with me. Nobody makes fun of my eye then takes Toby away from me. Yup I know they hung out the other day.

And now she's going to tripple pay and I cant wait until the dance in three weeks when she's back.

I hope Lucy isn't afraid of spiders.

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