Chapter 1

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Luke's P.O.V.

I gazed out the dashboard window ecstatic to finally be moving out of the house that served as a daily reminder of all the traumatizing events that occurred inside. Sat beside me on the drivers side was my loving mother Elizabeth. My mom made the decision to move out of Philly at the end of my sophomore year. After she told me about the move we spent the following month slowly packing the items we thought were worthy of keeping, and donated the rest to Goodwill.

"Are you Ready to go Lucas?" my mom questioned.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I announced as she finished entering the destination into the GPS, and proceeded to back out of the driveway, marking the beginning of our journey. I was looking forward to a fresh start at life in Fort Collins, Colorado.

I looked out the window as we passed endless houses and tall buildings. Rain began to pour creating various sized droplets that beautifully refracted the lights of buildings and traffic lights in the distance. The drive is long so I guess there's no better time to tell you a bit about me.

I had no friends in my previous school. I refused to get too close to others in fear that they'll end up hurting me in some way, so I simply had acquaintances. Because of my lack of friends I excelled in school and was in the top 10% of my class. Despite my high grades I wouldn't call myself a nerd or geek. I'm somewhat athletic. I skate, play basketball, and hit up the gym during my free time to maintain a toned body. I also create films. A significant portion of my time is put towards film planning, filming, or editing. It keeps me occupied and I plan on pursuing a career in Film. I've already decided that I want-

"Sweetie" I turned my attention to my mother who unknowingly interrupted my train of thought.

"Given that we're starting fresh, I'd really like for you to make some friends. Its the perfect opportunity to break out of your shell".


"Let me Finish, I understand that it's difficult for you to allow people to get close to you but I really believe that making a few friends would be good for you" she said smiling widely, her statement laced with hope.

I really wanted to tell her no but she just sounded so hopeful.

"uhh, I don't really like the idea" I noticed her smile falter.

"but I'll give it chance, for you" I stated, and once again her smile widened. Although I don't really wanna make friends, I can't say no to her. I should at least try before I make the decision to remain friendless.

"Thank you sweetie, you won't regret it" she beamed.

I doubted that, but I didn't allow my facial expression to give a hint of my thoughts. I slowly returned my gaze to the passenger window suddenly realizing I wasn't as ready for a fresh start after that conversation.

 I slowly returned my gaze to the passenger window suddenly realizing I wasn't as ready for a fresh start after that conversation

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