Chapter 12

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Luke's P.O.V.

Hayden Theodore Taylor. Lucas Cade Woods. Hayden Theodore Taylor. Lucas Cade Woods.

"Mr. Woods" my teacher roared, snapping my attention away from the the names I was repeatedly writing in my notebook.

"Can you tell me the purpose of the Dawes Act?" She glared.

"Its purpose was to assimilate Native Americans and it allowed the Federal government to break up tribal lands into allotments for individual Natives."

Ms. Parker let out a sigh before continuing with her lecture, most likely unhappy that I wouldn't be another one of her victims of the day. She made it very clear at the start of class that she never hesitates to assign someone detention when they're not paying attention to every word that spills out of her mouth. I wasn't paying attention, but she'll never know. I'll just continue to read a little out of the history book before class and I should be fine.

Just as I was about to continue writing down Hayden and I's names in my notebook, I felt my phone vibrate against my thigh. I made sure Ms. Parker wasn't looking in my direction before pulling my phone out of my pocket.

From: Hayden🐠

I miss you😩

To Hayden:🐠

We were just together fifteen minutes ago, but same.

From: Hayden🐠

We both have free period next so let's meet up at your locker.

To: Hayden🐠


I slipped my phone back into my pocket and kept my eyes on the clock above the white board, watching the slow ticks of the minute hand.


Fifty-five minutes has gone by and I've decided this is the most boring class I've ever been in. To make matters worse, the class lasts an hour and a half, but fortunately I only have to be in here every other day.

Ms. Parker's lecture was abruptly stopped when a male teacher knocked on the door.

Ms. Parker immediately let her hair down and began applying a vibrant red lipstick.

"Okay class, Mr. Reed and I need to discuss some of the coursework for the year, so you all may leave early" she said with a happy tone. The class emptied quickly, with me being the last to walk out before Mr. Reed entered. I walked away rather quickly, not wanting to witness their 'discussion' of the coursework.

To: Hayden🐠

I was released early ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

From: Hayden🐠

Suddenly I'm gonna sneak out of class ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

To: Hayden🐠

I'm not about to encourage you to sneak out of class on the first day of school, but I'm also not gonna try to convince you otherwise because I'd rather not be alone.

I leaned against my locker, staring at the laces of my shoes as I waited for Hayden to show up.

"Cutie!" Hayden shouted, appearing beside me. "Come on" he said, grabbing my hand and unexpectedly running toward a flight of stairs. We took the stairs by two and he led me down several hallways until we reached a set of heavy metal doors. He pushed open the doors revealing yet another hallway, except said hallway was not lit and it's honestly a little creepy. We continued walking to the end of the short hallway and entered a room on the right.

"what are-"


Hayden closed the door behind us and I'm pretty sure I heard the faint sound of the door being locked before he turned on a lamp as I began looking around the room. I noticed a couch against the back wall of the room and a coffee table with a few cushioned chairs around it. The room also had some small circular tables, counter with a sink, microwave, and even a fridge. Judging by the contents of the room, I'm pretty sure that I'm currently standing in a teachers' lounge.

"What are we-"


Hayden began walking toward me slowly with a dark look in his green eyes. For each step he took toward me, I stepped away until my back was pressed firmly against the wall. Hayden placed his hands against the wall on either side of my head before speaking.

"It's barely the first day of school and I hate being away from you for so many hours. I got so used to being with you for the majority of my days during summer break."

Hayden brought his hand up to my face and brushed away the hair that fell over my eye. Cupping my face, he brought his lips toward mine, kissing me softly before pulling away. Unsatisfied with the short kiss, I pulled him by back his jacket and connected our lips once again. The kissing started off soft again but became rough as time slowly passed. Hayden unexpectedly pressed himself against me creating friction that I didn't mind and unlike last time, I'm not about to bring an end to the current situation.

Hayden's hands slowly trailed down the sides of my torso, eventually making their way down to my ass, which he squeezed roughly before pulling me closer and creating more friction, causing me to moan against his now smiling lips. Hayden lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I stayed pressed against the wall as we kissed sloppily. Hayden then pulled me away from the wall and walked over to the couch.

I was slowly lowered onto the couch, our lips never disconnecting as we got settled. We continued kissing and grinding into each other yet I still wasn't content with the level of contact. I began to tub at the hem of his shirt hoping he'd understand the message I was trying to convey. He briefly disconnected our lips as he pulled his shirt off before pressing them firmly together once more. Moments later, Hayden reached for them of my shirt and we pulled away from each other while he removed the garment. I was surprised when his lips didn't return to mine like a magnet. Instead they ended up on my neck. He began sucking and biting my skin, moving to a different spot every few minutes.

I ran my fingers through his hair as he trailed kisses up my neck, eventually settling on my lips. This time the kiss was delicate, but somehow still passionate. He continued kissing me, each kiss lasting longer than the previous. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end. He managed to pull himself away from me and said we should should head downstairs for our shared class.

After putting our shirts back on we begrudgingly walked hand in hand toward our last class the day.

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