Chapter 17

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Hayden's P.O.V.

"Gooood Morning, Luke!"

"Whoa, I love you but please don't shout. I just woke up."

"Sorry. I need for you to get dressed."

"Where are we going?"

"We're staying home, but you should still get dressed and style your hair. I have a few things planned for us today. Meet me downstairs."


I set pancakes on a plate and drizzled them with maple syrup. I then topped them with strawberries and whipped cream and set the plate on the dining table next to the plate of pancakes that I had already made for myself.

"Aww. You made us breakfast."

"Yup, sit down and dig in. After were done eating we're going outside. It snowed all night long meaning there's plenty of snow to build some snowmen."

"Okay. Let's make it a competition to see who can build the best snowman within thirty minutes."

"Alright. Prepare to lose." I smirked.


Luke and I stepped outside with out snow gear on ready to compete.

"Okay, before we start I have some rules. The Snowman has to be at least three feet tall. We can't try to mess with each other's snowman. We must stay on the porch until I start the alarm. And as soon as my phone rings we must stop what we're doing."

"Okay got it."

"Okay. 3..2..1..Go!"

I dropped my phone on the porch and jumped into the yard to begin rolling the base of the snowman. A few minutes passed and I was already creating the second snowball. I saw my snowman coming to life before my eyes as I formed the body. I created one last snowball for the head and plopped it on the body. I turned to Luke and saw that he was nearly finished with the body of his as well. I made a rule that we couldn't mess with each others snowmen, but I didn't make a rule preventing us from messing with one another.

Kneeling to the ground I cupped some snow into my hands and formed a sphere. I threw it towards Luke while he was turned away from me and I hit him right on the back of the neck."

"Hey! Thats not allowed."

"Actually it is." I laughed.

I ran away toward some trees in the yard and pulled off some branches before running back to the snowman and sticking the branches into the body. I then headed toward the planted area in my yard that had scattered rocks on the ground. I grabbed a handful and rushed to my snowman putting them where they needed to be.

Just as I was about to shout that I was done my phone started ringing, signaling the end of the thirty minutes.

I picked up my phone, turning off the alarm and then walked toward Luke.

"Well, It's time to see who won."

As I studied both snowmen I noticed that we both happened to finish and our snowmen looked pretty similar. Luke even wrapped the scarf he was wearing around the neck of the snowman.

"I hate to say this but I think you won. I was so sure you'd fall behind me."

"I decided to work a bit faster after you hit me with the snowball."

"Seriously?! I ruined my own chance of winning."

"It's what you deserve." Luke chuckled.

"I guess. Let's go back inside. I have something else that I wanna do.

As we walked inside Luke's house we began removing the snow gear and then headed upstairs to his room.

"Wait! Before you walk in look up."

"Really." He laughed. "A mistletoe."

"Yup. I'm sure you know what's supposed to happen next."

"Actually, I cant seem to remember. Care to demonstrate what comes next?"


I leaned forward, cupping his face in my hands as I softly kissed him. As I moved away I felt him lean closer to me, as if he wanted to reconnect our lips.

"I like how you blush whenever I kiss you. Come on. Sit down on your bed and look pretty because I want to draw you."

I grabbed the sketchpads and pencils that I had set on Luke's desk early in the morning and handed one of each to him.

"I got you one in case you wanted to draw something too."


I connected my phone to his speaker and selected a playlist before sitting down on his bed facing him. We fell into a comfortable silence as we drew. I sketched a simple background that resembled a park or field. I drew him from the waist up with his left hand up and slightly away from him so that it looks like he's shielding his eyes from the sun. I added shadows and highlights and I was nearly finished in what seemed like an hour maybe even two. I just needed one more detail. On his left hand, I added a metal band on his ring finger.

"Okay, Luke. I'm done."

"Me too.

"You wanna show me yours first?"

"Sure. I wanted to draw you but I've never been good at drawing people so I chose to draw my betta."

"Well it looks amazing."

"Thanks. Your turn."

Okay. First you need to stand up."


"Just do it."

"Okay. I'm gonna hand you my drawing face down. Don't look at it until I say so."


I grabbed the drawing, stood in front of Luke and slowly handed it to him.

"Okay. You can look now."

Luke turned over the sketchpad and his eyes widened.

"Wow. This is mind blowing. It really looks like me. There's so much detail. The texture of my hair and my clothes. The shadow of my hand on my face. Wait, is that a ring? I don't wear a ring Hayden." He said with a chuckle.

"I know. Luke, what we've done today has been simple. And we've only spent a few hours together, but it was still great even though we didn't leave the house. I wanted you to experience a glimpse of what an ordinary day in the life of our future might seem like because I have something important to ask you.

I got down on one knee and pulled a pastel blue velvet box out of the pocket of my pants. I slowly opened the box and presented the ring to him.

"Luke, will you marry me?"

"Of course I will!"

I slipped the ring onto his finger and stood up to kiss him.

"I hope you're not disappointed that I didn't propose in an over the top way."

"You could never disappoint me. Besides, I actually like that you didn't propose in an over the top way. Our wedding won't be simple at all, so the fact that this was simple is quite nice."

"Great. I'm glad you're happy. Wanna go downstairs and make some lunch together?"

"I'd love to."

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