Chapter 16: Stop Running.

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Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time. Jean Paul


Ironic couldn't describe how the day would turn out. It was her birthday yet she felt death closing in on her. She walked further into the water. As she walked, with tears streaming down her face, she recited the poem in her head.

You must not cry.

Her steps were slow. Very slow. She stopped.

I did not die.

She looked up at the sun. It was just setting. She couldn't remember how she escaped the hospital, but she knows she did. But how?

Like the yellow sun,I shine on.

She looked down at her black skin. Another irony. She was black, not yellow, perhaps she should have just said like darkness,I'm ever out of light.

But it was her mother who had written the peom. Her mother was a fair beauty, it wouldn't be ironic if it were her singing it. Angry waves moved towards her. This was it. It was time. She'd walk into the water and die.

"Argh!" She screamed. "Why me? Why must it be me?"

She stepped closer, the water was getting deeper and the current was getting stronger. It'd be easy to die, she wasn't a swimmer.

Die. Death.

She imagined her obituary.

Born on the 1st of September.

Died on the 1st of September.

A sinking feeling swept through her stomach. She reflected on her life. Was she ready to die? What had she really achieved? What impact had she made. What is it she'd be remembered for?

And nothing lasting graced her mind.
She'd been through so much in life, so why did this one feel so bad? Why was she so angry? Why? She shook her head and stepped back.

"You won't. You won't, at least not yet. It's not time."

Derin smirked, wiping the tears away from her face. She'll defeat the spirit of death. She couldn't die just like that. She'd come conquer the strong spirit that wanted her to die.

She was not the first person to be raped. She wasn't.

She looked up to see the wave, falling towards her. The current was getting torrent. She screamed as water splashed on her, creeping into her nose.

A hand suddenly wrapped around her waist and jerked her back. Coughing loudly, she felt herself being placed on the beach sand. She coughed louder.

"Woman! Are you crazy?! Have you gone nuts, do you want to end your life?"

She looked up. The man was dark skinned, his beards were shaven clean. She frowned in disappointment. She'd expected an extremely fair fellow.

She scratched her hand.

"I'm sorry. I was carried away."

The man snarled. "You don't know how grateful people are for life, and here you are, trying to waste one!" He huffed and turned away.

Sighing loudly, he looked back at her. "How did you get in here? It's really early,"

His beard free face, was rough, probably from stress. His polo looked well worn, as some of the writings on it were faded.

Derin shrugged. She only remembered jumping through the iron gates. They weren't even so tall anyways.

A girl came running up to him, she was not as dark as Derin, but she balanced between being dark and fair. The breeze blew her hair and as she ran, her smile broadened.

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