Chapter 18: Drastic Decision.

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There is no use in pushing away the people that matter to you or the people who really want to matter to you."  Selena. Serendipity.


Derin turned to glare at Micheal for speaking up. He laughed lightly and raised his hand in the air. Something flashed in his eyes, even as the carefree laughter settled on his lips. She turned away from him, she wanted to get away from him.

"Yes, Nonso. I'll go out with you." Derin replied.

Nonso broke into a grin.

"Wait. Let her take her medicine before she goes." Her mother called.

"Aunty Shola no, no need," Micheal shrugged.

"There is need. Let her take her medicine, there is no rush," Nonso chirped in.

Micheal shook his head vigorously, but Her mother had already called out to the nurse.

Minutes later, she had taken her medicine and kissed her mother good bye.

"Shall we?" Nonso smirked, wiggling his eye brows.

Derin laughed. "We shall,"

The walk to his car was silent. Only the cool evening breeze blew against them. Derin wondered if her make up was faded, she had after all spent two hours standing in the reception. Once she spotted his honda accord 2016, she sighed in relief.

He unlocked the door and both of them hopped in.

Once she was perfectly seated, Nonso still hadn't started the car. His gaze were on her.


He cleared his throat. "Nothing, just - I wanted to know if you really want to come with me. You are not obliged to you know? So if you won't feel comfortable with me, then it's cool."

Derin sighed. "I'm not going to be cheesy and say all sorts of stuffs but you should know me too well by now," she locked her gaze with his. "I only do things, because I really want to and I feel like it, not because I feel obliged."

"Wehdone ma," Nonso smirked and roared the engine to life then drove off.

The drive started silently, until Nonso turned up the volume of the radio. Wizkid's Medicine rang out from the speakers of the car.

Derin groaned.

She didn't like Wizkid because he was over hyped but damn! His songs were fire. She clamped her lips shut to prevent her from humming to the lyrics.

Nonso let out a boisterous laughter. "Chai. Just sing the song na. What's there,"

Derin turned to him, amused. "And who told you I want to sing?"

Nonso raised a brow. "You know I know you too well, with all fist clenching and lip tightening, you think it isn't obvious that you want to sing along?"

Derin let out a laugh. "God,Nonso so you have been studying me?"

Nonso shook his head. "Nope, I've been admiring the wonderful creation of the creator."

Derin's smile widened. She didn't bother to hide the fact that his words pleased her. "Really?"

Nonso turned down his lips. "Now she'll be feeling herself."

Derin smirked. "Am I not supposed to?"

"Nope. You are supposed to be humble and just say thank you,"

"That's boring na." She laughed.

Nonso averted his gaze from the road for a second. "Let's sing together, it's no problem."

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