Chapter 8: What's the game

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As her silence streched, Nonso clicked his tongue dramatically. His lips twitched as she glared at him silently. He turned towards her and leaned in. He placed his hands on the side of het face and caressed it slowly.

"Derin.. Are you ok?"

She snapped her eyes towards his and his glinted with satisfaction and something else she couldn't place. What was his game? It was quite obvious he was up to something.

He had bent her before and now? What if she let him in and he broke her. She was scared of being broken, just like her mother. She was scared of being weak, of being trampled upon and too feeble to tell what was right for her. She couldn't let Nonso break her. She was strength itself.

She pushed him lightly and cleared her throat. He held his smirk in place, satisfaction playing cruelly on his face.

"What's your game?" She asked narrowing her eyes at him. He huffed and shook his head.

"Not everyone is out to get you, Derin. Lighten up."

And then she said nothing again. She could only stare because somehow she knew he was right, not everyone has a bad motive. But he certainly didn't have a pure motive.

"I'll be at Mimi's wedding but I'll come on my own, not as your date. Go and look for fair and long Mitchell."

He chuckled and shook his head.

"It's fine, I knew your reply already I'm just glad you'll be there."


Ify stared at her, her eyebrows furrowed and her lips slightly parted. She was seated on the old couch of their apartment, the black leather was old and rough parts that were now grey in colour stood out horribly. Ifeoma's fair skin however glowed a top it and in that moment, she looked beautiful. But the situation at hand wasn't. Ify sighed and stared at her thigh, her lips trembling as she spoke up.

"My sister's first child just passed away." she cried.Derin gasped. Her hands instantly flying to her mouth. "They buried her, the girl is only five."

"How?" Derin asked, her eyes never leaving ify's.

"Heart issues." Ify shrugged. "As if life hasn't even done enough to us ehn?! Why would death snatch such a little girl."

Derin moved away from the door she was leaning against and walked over to the couch. She sat beside Ify and pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay." she cooed as Ify's sobs turned into loud cries. "you should get some sleep."

Ify had nodded once and snuggled comfortably into Derin's lap. She was soon fast asleep. Derin sighed as she held on to her friend. Ify was stronger than she let on. She'd gone through so much and still she came out stronger. She rubbed her back lightly and whispered. "Be well Ifeoma."

"Thank you." ify murmured. She was not asleep, not as she had thought.


Derin walked her way through the main gate and walked quickly into the office. She sat down in her cubicle and not long after, a sad looking Ify walked in. She wasn't chirpy today. She seemed sad and closed off.

Derin robbed her shoulders lightly expressing her sympathy. Ify offered a weak smile and focused on her work. Work was over in a bit and they were surprised as how much time had passed.

"I'll be leaving for Abuja tomorrow." Ify said on the way home.

"Your sister needs you, I know. Just be safe." Derin said as she pulled her closer.

Out of the three friends, Ify had been through a lot, yet she always kept a happy face. She was the glue that kept them in place, with her caring smile and enthusiasm for everything and nothing.

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