Chapter 19: Suprise.

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"Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious." -Thomas Aquinas

Dedicated to TheKGrace thank you 😉


Derin tried to still her laughter at the awkward air that passed between Nonso and the balloon guy. She watched as Nonso handed the guy some money. The boy nodded and turned away.

Nonso quickly made his way over to her.

He flashed her a grin. "Let's go."

She cocked her head to the side. "How exactly did you get us in here?"

Nonso slipped his hands in his pocket and looked away from her. "I know somebody that knows somebody,"

A loud vibration interrupted their conversation. Davido's Fia rang out loudly at the same time a vibration took place in Nonso's pocket. He slipped the phone out and swiped to answer.

She only so him nod twice and more. Then reply with 'yes' and 'ok'.

Once he cut the call, he gestured towards the gate. "Let's go."

She followed slowly behind him.

He was acting weird.

She walked slowly, very slowly. Her thoughts drifted away from Nonso to the incident of her rape. She wondered who raped her, and why.

She'd heard her mother tell Nonso she'd left her with Micheal. And Michael had later left to see the neighbors. So who would have done such to her. It irked her that she remembered nothing.

Kicking her foot against the sand, she racked her brain.


"Derin!" Nonso called out.

She looked up to see him at the gate, waving his hands in the air. She doubled up, quickening her pace to meet him.

"Are you okay?" He asked once she got closer.

Derin nodded and walked through the gate. She walked towards the car.

"Derin wait!"

She stopped. Turning her head to look at him. He was already walking towards her, his hands in his pocket like always.

Sexy habit, Nonso.

She bit her lip to prevent her from grinning like an idiot. He got closer.
Then he stopped right in front of her.

He sighed then put his hand through her Afro. "I just wanted to do something, cause I doubt we'll have time to do it again after now."

She creased her brows in confusion.

Nonso smirked and bent slightly to kiss her.

She was no shorty but Nonso was a tall man. Tall and lean, not so lean but the man had only two abs. Two! And a really flat Tommy.

That however, didn't stop him from being so attractive.

She stood on her tip toes and closed her eyes, anticipating his lips. It landed on her forehead.


She opened her eyes, to see Nonso grinning evily. He raised his hands in the air and laughed out. Derin huffed and turned away from him, continuing her walk to the car, with a playful smile on her lips.

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