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I walked to Evan's lesson slowly, there was a new girl in my 5th period class too, her name was Angelica who I assume was Angie. Peggy has a nice sister.

She has another sister called Elizabeth from what I've heard. Apparently Peggy has Home ech now.

I stopped by the door and heard Evan through the frame.

"O-okay kids. If you flick to page 15 of the cook books I handed out, you'll see a basic cookie recipie. Go right ahead and start, if you need any help just ask."

I walked in as the students were gathering their ingredients.

"Alex, that's salt not sugar."

"Thanks sir!"

I laughed and walked over to Evan, "Oh hey, Conni- Mr Murphy."

He was absorbed in something on the computer, "Hey Ev, what are you doing?"

"Oh just- just looking into Michael. He seems like such a sweet kid, barely speaks and when he does it's in another language."

"Can we keep him?" I whined jokingly.


"I don't know what your talking about over there but you should just kiss already!"

"Jason Dean I will not hesitate to give you a detention."

"Worth it." I heard him whisper.

"Also also also Connor!"

"What is it, Ev?"

"They're gonna let me open a gardening club!"

"That's great! I'll be there! Just get a bench for me to sit on and I can mark some tests there."

"Sure, Con, sure."

I looked to the back of his classroom to see a pinboard filled with pictures of pastries and baked goods. In the middle there was a picture of the five of us, Zoe, Alana, Jared, Me and Ev. We were still teenagers at the time, I had just properly gotten out of hospital and we were about to leave for college.

Me, Ev and Jared went to one and the girls went to another. It wasn't an all boys school or anything they just decided to go somewhere else.

Me and Ev shared a room. Things got slightly freaky. Jared shared a room with someone who was actually his soulmate but he didn't love them. It's a well known anomilie in the algorithm.

They didn't stay together, but Jared, with his coloured sight, discovered the cure for cancer so I can't complain.

He's a living legend really. And a complete and utter douche bag.

All of the kids got their cookies baked by the time the bell rang. Peggy's looked by far the best but the worst was Jason's. He made it look like a dick.

Evan said we could take the car straight from school as most of the kids were gone anyway.

We hopped into the car and I opened Google maps. We started driving, blasting some music.

"Where is my son? Mr Hamilton come in-"

"What is this?"

"Alex's mix tape."


We pulled up outside a cottage, it looked so homely and inviting.

Here we go.

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