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After two short years, Michael moved to a school closer to our small home.

He held my hand as I walked him in. I told him to go and make friends as I talked to the teacher.


I walked into a small building with pretty flowers painted on the walls. Daddy says it's a new school and that I must be kind and talk to people.

I don't like talking to people.

He told me to go and make friends. I took a few steps away from him and loitered by a stack of boxes in every shade I've ever seen.

Daddy says colour is pretty but I shouldn't be in a rush to see it. He says it will all happen in good time.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped a little, "Sorry, did I scare you?"

A boy with pretty eyes looked at me. He was smiling so wide and I could see that he was missing a front tooth

He's pretty.

"N-no! I-you didn't- I-"

He giggled. He has a nice giggle, "My name is Jeremy Heere! What's yours!?"

"I'm Michael." I whispered.

"Okay Michael. C'mon I'll show you around!"


He grabbed my hand and took a step to run when I saw a bright light, "Woah.", I heared Jeremy say.

I opened my eyes to see some unknown tones. They were much brighter than the rest. I glanced to a chart on the wall that listed colours so we could learn their tones.

Jeremy's gaze followed mine, "Red and blue!", he said out loud, "This must be a sign that we're going to be best friends forever! Do you wanna be best friends forever with me Michael?!"


We laughed a little and he led me to a small corner with bean bags and books. I grabbed one off the shelf and read it to him.

"Percy pig is so silly! Everyone knows that pigs like pigs and horses don't! My Mamma said, before she went away for a long time that it's the same with people but I don't think so. I think everyone should love anyone they want!"

"I don't have a Mamma either. But I do have two Dads and they're amazing!"

His eyes lit up, "You have two Dads!? That's so cool like cooler than vintage cassette tapes and crystal pepsi and memes!"

"What's crystal pepsi?"

"It's like regular pepsi, but clear!"

We giggled and some girls came over to sit with us.

"Hey Jerry~" one of them said.

"It's Jeremy, actually."

"Who's the new kid?" asked the other.

"Brooke, Chloe, meet Michael! He's my bestest friend forever!"

"Okay, well, we have a new friend too!", They pulled a small girl away from a book stand she was looking at, "This is Christine!"

She giggled, waved and walked off. What an air head.

"She's pretty." Pretty awful more like.

"Yeah. So anyway, wanna read more bad books?"

"Yeah!" and then he pulled one out called 'everybody poops' and we doubled over laughing.

Me and my new best friend.

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