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Okay so I was with some friends yesterday and one friend of a friend goes (because we were watching Moana) "The person who did Hamiltion did this." then the other agreed and then I held up my phone screen (Dear Evan Hansen background) and they said that the producer for the obc came to their school and it just made me happy to know that I was sitting in a room with someone who's met someone who's met Mike Faist.

Also I can't help but feel bad so here's this ig.

Hours. Everyone was asleep in the hospital waiting room but I was up.

It was weird. So much calmer at night. I'm worried out of my mind.

Michael shuffled around in the uncomfortable seat next to me, he looked so peaceful.

I was numb. A sad numb. The numb where you've cried so much that you can't cry anymore. He was stabbed. I saw him get stabbed. I don't even know if he's alive. The doctor would come and tell us, right?

Something's broken. I heard something get broken. God, I hope it wasn't his neck.

I want to cry- I need to cry.

Boys don't cry, Angel.

His voice wont leave my head. I can feel the sobs wrack my ribs and my face pull into such a strong frown but I can't cry. I recoiled into the corner and let the dryness burn my throat.

The door to the waiting area clicked open and my head whipped around. If it's about Evan I have to know.

Her. It was her, "I-I'm so sorry. I know that doesn't cut it but-"

"It's not your fault. God I hate you for what you did but even I can't blame you for this."

"Connor, I-" She took a seat opposite me.

"Mariah, I need to know why you did it. Why I didn't get to say goodbye."

"I- it was an exploit. My husband told me to whore myself out to a married man and then blackmail him into giving me money."

"Wait, did you-"

"Last night, I went to your house and he pushed me away. He told me to leave. He's the first man to ever do that to me."

"I-I don't know what to say anymore."

I felt shuffling beside me. Zoe had snuggled into Alana and Jared had hunched right over.

"So Michael is your son."


"I never got time to ask. He's a good kid."

"Yeah, well I-"

"You need to sleep too. I know I wasn't there and that I didn't see what you did but you can't wait without sleep."

"I won't be able to."

"Well," she stood up, "I'm so sorry again. I need to go home now."

She left and I huddled back into the corner before I heard a little voice speak up, "So that's what happened."


"Hey Dad."

"You okay?"

"Do I seem okay?" There was a pause, "Who were those men?"

"I-well-y'know-um." I stumbled a little, "Your-your Grandfathers, I guess."


"Jeremy was the one who called 911."


"He called the po-"

I heard quick footsteps and the door slamming open, "Where's my baby?!"

"Heidi? Mom?"

"Oh, Connor! Thank goodness."
"Oh baby, your shoulder. Heidi's been frantic since we left."

"I haven't heard anything."

"Connor, you're a mess."
"Hiya Mikey."

Michael waved a little bit. The mothers sat down. Heidi had a worried expression on her face and Mom was looking really sheepish. She's had awful experiences with hospitals.

We chatted a little bit, mostly me and Heidi while Mom talked with Micha. It distracted me a little, hearing about our old orchard and the icecream place.

It all reminded me so much of Evan, but I tried so hard not to dwell.

"Murphy-Hansen?" A small voice chirped from by the door, "We've managed to stop the blood flow and regulate his breathing. He's asleep right now but we can let someone in."

Zoe and Alana were still asleep, Jared staring at me in the corner.

"Go on Connor." Heidi nudged my arm, drying her eyes slightly.

I left the room with the nurse, "It's a miracle the knife didn't hit any major arteries. The wounds lead up to his neck, had the police gotten there any later, he'd be dead."

"Oh god-"

"His arm was also broken and has been put into a cast. He's quite bruised but he's alive. In here."

Room 327. It was just his arm. 327.

The door opened slowly with a creek and I shuffled in.

Evan Hansen, the love of my life, was lying still in a pure white bed with tubes going in and out of his arm. A cast covered his forearm and bandages covered the rest. He had a large purple bruise trailing his collar bone.

I took a seat next to the bed, grabbing his good hand and smiling softly, feeling new tears mist my eyes.

I was thankful. So goddamn thankful that this man before me was not dead; that my man wasn't dead.

I cried softly into his lap, letting his hand back to the pillow. He looked so vulnerable.

I just lay my head there for a while before I felt a hand softly stroke my hair.

"C-Connie, you mustn-n't cry for m-me. I'm okay now."

I looked up at him and clasped his hand in mine, closing my weeping eyes, "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. I love you, Evan- god. I almost lost you. I almost lost you."

"Y-you've nothing to ap-pologise for, Sweetie."

"I love that stutter. That's the stutter I fell in love with."

"A-and those eyes. My haz-zel-blue eyes. Oh, Con, your shoulder."

"cOn HuH i LiKe It."

"Je-jesus, Jared. Connor, hi-it him for me."

"I got ya."


"Hey Ev, you doing alright?"

"D-do you really ne-eed me to answer that?"

"I-uh guess not. Jared, let's go get Heidi." They left the room quickly.

"Wait, my Mom's here?"


"Evan, honey!" A blonde woman ran in, wrapping her arms around him, his face was that of happy shock and it nearly made me tear up all over again, "Oh baby, sorry, did I hurt you?"

"I-it's okay Mom. I'm way t-too drugged up to n-notice, ca-can't feel a thing in my right a-arm"

Heidi looked relieved, they talked and talked until visiting time was over. I stayed. Evan's broken these rules for me before so it's the least I could do.

It's the least I could do.

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