Chapter 5

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Jongin's POV

I sat there, staring at the owl boy's motionless body. Don't ask me why I brought him home with me. I guessed that a part of me just told me to bring him home with me. He stirred a little on the couch, and yes, the couch, because I wasn't nice enough to let anyone in my bed. The only exception was when I brought girls home, and this wasn't some girl I brought home.

While watching him, I felt like I was being drawn in. I didn't know what it was, but something about him made him look cute. Wait, did I just say cute? Fuck.

But it was hard not to stare at him. His face looked so peaceful while he slept. His skin was so pale, a complete contrast to my tanned skin. He had nice lips. Pink, plump, kissable... what am I saying?! Forget I said anything.

I sat there, counting the number of moles on his body that were revealed to me. While sitting there, I suddenly remembered that this was a poor person, sleeping on my five hundred million won couch. But before I could do anything, I found two giant doe eyes staring back at me. I screamed.

"What am I doing here?" He sat up abruptly, startling me even more. He then looked up at me with wide eyes. "What are you doing here?"

I laughed. "Bitch, this is my house! Why wouldn't I be here? And to answer your first question, I brought you here because I was nice enough to help someone who couldn't even stand up for himself when he almost got raped."

"Why, though? Why did you help me? You could've just turned a blind eye and walked away. Why would you help the 'pathetic lowlife'?" he asked, using the exact words I had used at the coffee shop previously.

"Don't think much of it," I scoffed. "I only helped you because I pitied you." Ok, maybe that part was a lie. I honestly didn't know why I brought him here. It just felt like a part of me was telling me to bring him here, so I did without much thought.

"Pitied me?" He looked down and smiled sadly. I thought I heard my heart shattering into pieces when I saw that, but I didn't know why. "I guess I really am a pitiful creature. I even almost got raped on the streets." Tears glistened in his eyes. "I got pitied by some bastard and almost got raped and even lost my jo-" He suddenly stopped and looked up at me.

He stood up and before I could even comprehend what was going on, his hand came in contact with my face. I stood, not being able to believe the fact that I just got slapped by someone who was lower than me. I looked at him to see tears trickling down his face, his face twisted in frustration.

"This is all your fault! You're the cause of my job loss, aren't you?! You're the reason why my life has become a living hell! " He yelled.

I massaged my cheek while smirking. "Wow, you figured out my trick. Darn." I laughed sarcastically. "Congrats, smartass." I noticed him glaring at me, his chest heaving up and down heavily. Some part of me wanted to throw up because of the sickening feeling I got when he cried. "What? Did you honestly think that I would let it slide? Yeah, 'cause I'm totally going to sit around and do nothing when someone throws hot coffee in their costumer's face!" The words that left my mouth honestly hurt more than the slap, but I couldn't take them back now.

He looked away and wiped away his tears. "You deserved it! You talked shit about me when you didn't even know me or my story! Why and how I became homeless! You know nothing, yet you still had the courage to say such shit in my face! Well, guess what?! I wasn't going to let that slide, either!

"Do you want to know why I'm homeless? Do you want to know what it's like to live on the street because you lost your home and everything in between?!" He shouted in my face. I was starting to be glad that my parents bought me a condo with soundproof walls. "My house caught on fire this one day, because of me. I set it on fire. I did it." He laughed sarcastically. "Pathetic, right? Damn, I'm starting to wonder if you were right about me being useless."

He continued after taking a deep breath. "I didn't know what to do. I tried putting it out, but it didn't work. At one point, I heard the front door open, and my parents barged in. They tried getting me out of the house, but I refused. By that time, the fire trucks had already arrived, and they were pulling me out of the house and getting me outside. A firefighter ran inside to save my parents, and guess what? The house exploded. Everything had burned. Because of my stupidity, my parents and an innocent firefighter were dead."

He started sobbing really hard at this point. "I-I had nowhere to go. My f-family wouldn't a-accept me for being the c-cause of my p-parents' death. I ended u-up sleeping on the streets, until I met B-Baekhyun. He's my best friend, my b-brother, and the only f-family I have now. Do you h-have any idea how h-hard it was for us to get to w-where we are? We weren't born in amazing and rich families like you! We didn't get everything for free! We worked our asses off just to get to where we are now! But then you," he pointed an accusing finger at me, "came out of n-nowhere and just took away my job! The only thing that had kept me living until now! H-How..." He sat down brought his legs up to his chest, his face buried in his hands. Seeing him like this made him look so vulnerable and tiny.

"How is B-Baekhyun going to do this by himself? H-He won't be able to work as much as we worked together... I-It'll be so hard for him. He'll probably be starving and he won't last..."

Unconsciously, I bent down to wipe away his tears, yet he moved out of my grasp. "Don't touch me! This is all your fault! If it weren't for you, I would've still had my job! I would've been able to make a living! But now, I don't even think I'll be able to survive like this!" He was sobbing. Hard. His large eyes were puffy and red. Tears were plastered in his cheeks.

All at once, the guilt hit me. This boy in front of me had nothing but his job. And I had taken the one thing that had kept him going. The one thing that he had left.

At one point, I had always been the cause of someone's pain, but it had never affected me. But at that moment, seeing how I had caused a poor boy to suffer more than he already had, made me want to disappear.


It had been a few hours since he had fallen asleep. I guessed all the ranting had worn him out. As I watched him sleep on the couch, I couldn't help but admire him. To think that I had caused such a beautiful creature so much pain.

I didn't know what was wrong with me. Just for the past few hours, I felt close to him. I felt like he was a really important person. A person who was capable of making their way into my world, and my heart.

I didn't know what this feeling was. This feeling that I got whenever I looked at him. I felt warm inside. Like there wasn't any trouble in the world. Wait... what am I saying? Am I going crazy? Am I actually feeling something for this poor boy?

But, as I watched his chest rise and fall with each breath he took, seeing him look so peaceful, a part of me wanted to make this boy feel at peace. Like nothing was wrong in the world. Just looking at his small, weak, and fragile body, I had the sudden urge to protect this boy.

What was this strange feeling? This feeling of wanting to protect and please. I didn't know what it was, but it was making my stomach churn and my heart beat faster.

Just then, I wanted to fix this. I wanted to fix the mess I had caused. I had ruined this boy's life, and it was only right to put it back together. I decided, right then and there, that I would do whatever I could to make it up to him.


Really lame, right? But ahh! I'm here sledding with my family so I can't really write anymore! But now we know why Kyungsoo is poor. And I've actually been planning this chapter out since last week, so it's kind of sad that it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to turn out. Oh well. What can I do about it?
Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely day my friends! Bye! 사랑해요!❤️

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