Chapter 21

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Jongin ignored the ringing of his phone. He knew it was Chanyeol, and he also knew Chanyeol was going to ask him what had happened at the dinner since poor Chanyeol hadn't been updated on the news. Jongin had been skipping work for almost a week and he knew this was going to put him on bad terms with his father, but he didn't have the energy to face his father since he knew he was most likely going to get a beating.

"Jongin," Kyungsoo mumbled against Jongin's chest, his eyes still closed, "are you not going to answer the phone? It's still ringing."

"I won't," Jongin answered and he reached over to his phone and grabbed it from the bedside table before turning off his ringer. "Sorry if that woke you up." Kyungsoo shook his head, saying that he didn't need to feel sorry because he had already been awake.

Jongin buried his nose into Kyungsoo's hair and inhaled his sweet strawberry and vanilla scent while Kyungsoo snuggled closer to Jongin's bare chest. "Do you want to get up now?" Kyungsoo asked as he opened his eyes to look up at Jongin.

Jongin smiled at how cute Kyungsoo seemed this morning. "No," Jongin replied as he shook his head. "I want to stay like this for awhile. It's comfy. And so are you. You're so cuddly, I could cuddle you all day and not be tired of it." Kyungsoo blushed and pushed Jongin's chest in a way that Jongin thought was supposed to be rough - he couldn't tell because Kyungsoo was just too cute in the mornings when he had no strength.

"What do you mean 'you're so cuddly?' You're embarrassing me," Kyungsoo whined.

"Yes, but you still love it," Jongin smirked, and Kyungsoo saw a bit of the Jongin that he once knew - the one who always messed around and loved teasing Kyungsoo - and it brought a smile to Kyungsoo's face. It was nice to see Jongin acting playful after what happened with the Jung's family last week. "You're so soft and small and squishy," Jongin commented, squeezing the extra fat on Kyungsoo's hips and rubbing his face into Kyungsoo's hair.

"Stop!" Kyungsoo commanded, but his voice was full of playfulness and embarrassment. "Don't touch there, it's weird."

"Why?" Jongin questioned, quirking an eyebrow. "I've already touched every part of your body, so why does it matter? I've touched even more embarrassing spots like here," Jongin pointed out as he pinched Kyungsoo's nipple, "here," Jongin squeezed Kyungsoo's ass, "and here," Jongin continued as he moved lower and massaged Kyungsoo's pale thighs, ignoring Kyungsoo's cries for him to stop. He knew Kyungsoo loved it, so why deny it?

"Stop," Kyungsoo pleaded. "You're being embarrassing." Kyungsoo let out a high pitched squeak when Jongin ignored him and instead gently bit into his thigh. "Stop..." Kyungsoo pouted as he  covered his face with his hands, not surprised to find his face as hot as a fire. It was probably also bright red too.

Jongin hummed, not acknowledging Kyungsoo's whines of protest. He trailed little kisses up Kyungsoo's thigh until he reached Kyungsoo's soft and squishy stomach which was exposed due to his shirt rolling up while they slept, before rubbing his face into Kyungsoo's belly, eliciting a cute giggle from the smaller. Jongin chuckled lowly at Kyungsoo's reaction and blew into Kyungsoo's navel and the younger squealed.

"Stop it, Jongin!" Kyungsoo giggled breathlessly. "That tickles!" Jongin laughed and continued to rub his face into Kyungsoo's stomach, the younger pushing his shoulders to stop him from doing it. "Stop! I'm going to pee in my underwear if you don't stop!"

Jongin immediately stopped and frowned up at Kyungsoo. "I swear you wet my bed and I'll punish you," Jongin warned.

"Oh, kinky," Kyungsoo smirked playfully. "Will you be using any whips? Or handcuffs?" Jongin just stared at Kyungsoo, shocked to think that his once innocent little penguin could use such words.

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