The loser lover
the guy I love has few friends he likes me even-though nobody else does he was ugly, but now he's cute I hated him, then I liked him, but now I love him endlessly he has a rating of five out of ten on closeness to my dream guy he's a gamer, has brown hair, brown eyes, average height, isn't a jock, is just adorable to me, and has fuzzy skin if he had blue eyes, was slightly taller than me, played football, was somewhat rich, and had smooth skin he would be the perfect dream guy I've always wanted
he makes me have feelings I've never had I think my mind is going insane meaning i'm doing entirely too much thinking about guys because I'm in love with Cole and it's kinda creeping me out because I'm seeing Liam Payne with Zane's hair style and Justin Bieber in front of my eyes I think my mind is going insane because I've started seeing things that aren't really there my mind is going insane, I've turned back into an addictive gamer, I'm morphing back into my real self, and I'm in love with my boyfriend to be I miss him so much, when I see him tomorrow morning it's gonna be hard to control my actions I'll try to resist wrapping my arms around him and kissing him, I don't want to be a part of any gossip I have too much going through my mind as it is I'll have to talk to someone and hopefully clear my partly insane mind of these freaky images I've seen in front of my eyes if they can't help me, then I might be scarred internally for the rest of my life afraid of Justin Bieber and Liam Payne because of what I saw. I can't wait to see him, tell him I missed him, and hold his hand tighter than before I can't stand not being around him all I want to do is be with him, tell him how much I love him, and sing one of my songs for him when he called me my heart still beat rapidly an hour after we hung up my level on liking him is so high now, I can't remember a word he says to me and I deny all the bad parts of his personality

dirty bradstreet
Poetrya collection of songs/poems that i've written about life,boys,and other random things *not intended for the "innocent"