the same modified Romeo and Juliet line keeps running through my mind every moment I'm away from him. "Adam, Adam, where for art thou, Adam" once I tried to replace it with Cole, but adam always had some kind of a ring to it when said in place of romeo this must mean that I wish to see the one I love every day of my life the words in my mind seem so real I shan't be surprised if I should say these words aloud and embarrass myself in front of the world weather I'll say, Cole or Adam, I know not, but I'll soon know the day I say them aloud he whom I feel great love for is to create the happy life's beginning
First love rap:
He was my first kiss, he was my number one atheist friend, he was the Montague and I was the capulate. He was my Romeo and I was his Juliet. The things I let him do were dirtier than the dumpster. A dirty confession I will never make, I wonder if he knows I woulda done the same damn thing if he hadn't gone and cheated on me with a crazy mountain chick. He confessed he lost his virginity, my confession to him was nothing. I just told him I used him, but I never told him I cheated on him. I never told anyone I had sex Cuz I didn't, thankfully I'm still a virgin. The closest thing I ever had to sex was his fingers goin' over my vagina. Momma says my friend ain't got no respect for women, but she honestly doesn't know my ex as well as she thinks she does. Maybe my friend's a lil' disrespectful, but as far as I'm concerned he's better than a naughty pervert. He might be a homosexual bitch, but he ain't tryna be someone he's not. Yeah, he might kissed me at the holy place, but he never unzipped my pants, stuck his fingers through a hole in my Victoria secrets, pushed me up against the bench behind the work out zone with his lips, put his hand on my breast, and left it there, asked me if I wanted to have sex, or looked down my shirt tryna sneak a peek at my 36as. I sat on his hand to let him know it wasn't right. He got mad at me for goin' to Church when I could've been wasting my time away making out with him on the sofa.
unclean Romeo:
I saw mine rotten old Romeo today, he is still as of yet unchanged. He is still expressing sadness upon his face. I wonder doth he even bathe, he smells like a dirty pig. In which this case would be true to his personality; he is a dirty pig, a cheater, a liar, but then again our previous relationship Defied the concept of opposites attract. In our case it was like attracts like we're both cheaters and liars; hence both dirty pigs of opposite genders which may be our only difference

dirty bradstreet
Poetrya collection of songs/poems that i've written about life,boys,and other random things *not intended for the "innocent"