One and only:
Were I with another man I would not have these desires that I have now for never have I wanted so bad to do what I want to do right now until his snake fought with mine in the broken eggshell that one night more than several months ago twas only one night, but twas a night that contaminated my innocence, both in my thoughts and in my actions had our internal collision never happened I might never have known there were missing pieces in the jigsaw puzzles I like to call my heart and my life up till that night I'd never wanted to drag a man away into the core of my soul letting him fulfill his desires as I fulfill mine he holds me in his arms close to his heart as I lay my head down on his shoulder and begin sucking on the rubber close by in blurred sight it's a great feeling a satisfying sensation as the poisoned fantasies my mind has created become a reality that I never dreamed I could ever have as I never thought I'd have the ever so close to perfect man I have today and hope to have for a lifetime.

dirty bradstreet
Poesiaa collection of songs/poems that i've written about life,boys,and other random things *not intended for the "innocent"