been with four guys
since I had an
interest in dating
so far only one
could measure up
to my expectations
seems like they only
ever want me for the week or sometimes two I wonder often times does a good guy truly exist they ask me out, act like I'm their forever girl for a few days then they ditch me like i'm a one night stand they never should've had and it snaps my heart in two and just when I think it couldn't be broken anymore it rips into smaller and smaller pieces until it's shattered and my feelings are worn on my sleeve and that's saying something for me cuz usually I don't show my emotions I bury them deep down inside but when this happens every time I think life is looking up it gets old in a snap of a finger definitely makes me wonder did any of them ever really like me or am I just another butt and a rack and a pretty face I'm lying in bed at night trying to hold back the tears that keep pushing behind my eyes begging to fall but most times I end up giving up on myself and let them fall down my face making bright red streaks as they go down

dirty bradstreet
Poetrya collection of songs/poems that i've written about life,boys,and other random things *not intended for the "innocent"