Chapter 14

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Cory sat in Josh's dorm room with him, Josh on the side of the bed and Cory at the desk. "How did you manage to get a single room?" Cory asked with a laugh.

"Oh I didn't, but my roommate moved in with his girlfriend three weeks into the year." Josh chuckled. "It's nice though, more space to myself." It was another ten minutes of small talk before Josh finally spoke up. "So, what's up, Cor, why'd you come by."

"Well," Cory began, scratching at the back of his head. "I want to talk to you about Maya."

"Oh." Josh had known it was coming eventually, but after two weeks with not even a text he thought maybe Maya got the brunt of it at home and he was going to get off easy. "What about her?"

"You've been telling that girl she's too young for you for a long time." Josh just looked at his older brother, waiting for more. "Your age hasn't changed."

"I know, but, Maya changed." Josh told him. "She's grown up, probably more than I have." He admitted with a laugh. Cory couldn't deny that fact, Maya had grown a lot in the last year, between losing her mother and the events with her father Maya could have gone the other way, she could have embraced her delinquent side but instead she found maturity and adulthood. Of course Cory wished she hadn't needed to grow up so soon, he knew between the two, it was the better option.

"So, how long has it really been going on?" Josh's expression made Cory chuckle. "You didn't think we believed you drove half way across the country to get her and then randomly a few weeks later decided to take her out did you?" Josh went a little red. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

"We've been talking for a long time, when she was crashing here we got to know one another more and then we just kept talking after she went back to Ohio. It just kinda...happened." Josh shrugged, but he was smiling. His mind went to the night in the tent, but he wasn't going to dare share that one with his big brother.

"Josh, you need to be careful okay? She's only sixteen, she's in high're in college, they're two very different worlds."

Josh nodded, "yeah I know, it was my reasons against it before. But it doesn't matter anymore." Cory's brow rose slightly and Josh opened up even more. "I love her, Cor. I didn't think it was ever going to end up this way, but I do."

"Josh, you're only-"

"Nineteen, I know.'ve been in love with Topanga all your life. It's not that weird is it?"

"Well, I guess not. But you know it's not the same thing." Cory sighed a little, he loved his life, he had actually had it all work out, but he and Topanga had their problems along the way, they were lucky to have all they did. "I can't imagine having been three years apart, being in college with Topanga still in high school. Don't get me wrong here, if this is what truly makes you both happy we'll support it, but you know this isn't going to be easy, don't you?"

"I'm dating Maya, Cor, I'm clearly not looking for easy." They both chuckled a little, but Cory still had his worries where the two were concerned. More for Maya than for Josh - she'd been through enough this year, she didn't need more stress and pain...not to mention Riley wanted to do anything Maya did and he did not want his sweet and innocent little girl dating someone in college as well.

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