Chapter 3: A Love For Assorted Meats

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"H-Ham?" I asked.

The boy nodded vigorously and continued to sniff around.

I cautiously tucked a strand of loose and still wet hair from my very poorly done bun behind my ear that fell when the blur of a boy raced in. I took a shaky breath and looked at Patches, straightening up as I thought how scared he must be watching the strange boy invading my kitchen right in front of him. My poor baby....

"Yes!!" He said desperately, still sniffing my kitchen.

I gulped and contained myself, trying to handle the situation as best as possible. "Ok..ok..u-uh there's meat in the fridge-"

It wasn't a second after I said so that the boy eagerly raced to my refrigerator, tearing it apart by discarding the food he didn't want.

I watched, jaw slightly dropped as he tossed aside syrup, a few egg cartons and a large box of strawberries I was saving aside onto the tiled floor.

After he was done emptying my fridge he started on the drawers, pulling them open forcefully. Finally, after tossing some cheeses my way he found my special stash of meats. He ripped open a package of sandwich ham, and started stuffing his face with it, making a slurping sound as he ate it, juices and all.

I didn't know what to think of what was happening, so as the ravenous dog ate the large bag of leftover turkey I had slowly creeped over to grab Patches, holding him close to me, and running my fingers soothingly over his rounded blue paw.

"Mmmm..." He licked his lips of the juices from the cold turkey he had gulped down and I knew he was staring down at my very favorite package of square shaped ham with little blocks of cheese inside. It was sandwich ham, but it was my favorite.

He took the small box and held it up, looking it over. I stared at his broad and still soaked back, his muscles and shoulder blades rubbing against the tight, black material of the shirt. I couldn't help but notice how attractive he was, despite that he was invading my fridge of my precious meats that I couldn't live without. Obviously he couldn't either.

The boy opened the package and sniffed the ham before tearing the slices out and stuffing them in his face. I narrowed my eyes at him, that was my ham, and I felt a bit protective over it. He couldn't just storm in here and eat my very favorite ham!

"Hey! Hey! S-" he turned to me at the sound of my voice, holding the now empty package in his large hands. I took a second to take him in, making me pause from my scolding.

"I-I..." His large yellow eyes moved down then up, licking the wet sides of his pink, full lips. His teeth caught my attention the most after he slipped his tongue across his upper lip. Two sharp fangs pointed down from his gums, they looked abnormally larger than the regular human, as a matter of fact not human at all.

The boy dropped the plastic and turned fully to me, his lips slightly parted for breath after his ravenous meal, and looked me over. His mop of wet hair was now damp, the strands of hair curling at the ends. His jaw was sharp and defined enough to cut through the earths crust, and his neck was broad and muscular, his height making him look all the more intimidating with the help of his piercing eyes. They gave off an odd glow in the dark room, aside from the refrigerator light, it was the only source.

I felt my cheeks burn after he stared at me for awhile. "Who are you?" I pulled Patches up close to my chest, as if I could hide behind the small dog. He chuckled, making a low and deep sound in his chest that rumbled almost like the thunder.

He flashed me a cheeky smile, showing off his fangs. "I'm Harry..."

A loud crack of thunder hissed in the night sky from my view of the small window above the sink, the boy who called himself Harry, eyes widened. He bit his lip and made a sort of deep whining sound, closing his eyes in what seemed like fear. He ran right past me and into my living room. I heard footsteps sprint up the stairs, and then my bedroom door slam.

I gave Patches a confused look, then looked at my trashed kitchen. The stuffed dog seemed to give me a look that said, You wanted some excitement in your life, now you got some.

I rolled my eyes like I understood him and started picking up the mess that Harry had made.

As I did, I thought long and hard about his sudden appearance. Why was he staring at me when i was walking home? Why did he come to my house? And in the rain? I giggled a little, the thought of the tall and intimidating Harry being scared of a little storm amused me.

I was on the verge of a great epiphany when I yawned, the rain only getting harder. I just couldn't think anymore. I grabbed Patches and shuffled my feet across the floor to get to my couch. I fell over the side of it, landing perfectly on it. My eyes closed instantly, Patches nestled close. Even though I could barely think of what time it was, I couldn't stop blocking the thought of Harry, and who he was, why he was here. I didn't care anymore at that point there was a meat eating stranger in my bedroom upstairs. I was too tired. Who knows, maybe he'd be gone by tomorrow.

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