Chapter 29: Familiars

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Benny's POV:

"So. What are we gonna do now..?"

"Well.." Harry started, then aimed his head downcast the ground. Ever since that..whatever it was, he seemed a bit off, or sad more like. I couldn't blame him. All of that probably whirled a bunch of his werewolf like memories or whatever. I really wished I could help him somehow.

I was out of his arms by the time we made it back to the housing area outside the woods where Niall's house stood. I admired him from his side and tried to go Sherlock on him to try and figure him out. I've been doing that ever since i met him and so far nothing.

"We stay here for a little while longer. Until I figure out what to do.."

"Who said I was gonna stay through all of this huh?"

What I said made Harry's head whip towards my direction in a sad expression. I was just playing, but it hurt my heart even more to see him physically show his emotions. I caught a peak of what was inside him. Now wasn't the time to be making jokes Benny.

"Harry don't! I was just joking..ok?" I frowned and leaned up when we both stopped walking to grab his face gently and tenderly kiss his cheek. I glimpsed him crack a small smile and smiled back when I pulled away, still holding his face. "Don't pull that puppy crap on me ok?"

He chuckled deeply and looked into my eyes as I balanced back onto my heels. "Really though..I just want to keep you safe. I told you before, they're after me, and to get to me, as Lars to take something I love.."

A heavy weight felt like it was spilling all over us after he finished, but I decided I'd only make things worse (as always) if I said anything about it. That's probably why I couldn't figure Harry out, I didn't speak up about anything. But I did care about him..

What happened to happy and curiously confused Benny?

"As long as I'm with you Harry..I think I can feel safe.."

"Don't think it sweetheart, know it.."

He slowly turned to me and wrapped me in his arms. I instinctively tilted my head down and wrapped my arms around his hulking figure in return. The feeling called safe I believe started to sink in. I believed him.

"Speak of the fucking devil.." Harry mumbled in a familiarly dangerous and low tone. I felt his head lift off its position on my shoulder and hover in the air. I turned my head, still holding onto him. to look at what he saw behind me. I almost curled up in his chest all over again. That black vehicle would give me nightmares for months on end.



"Shut her up Louis for Christ sake.."

Louis glanced back at the door he stood in front of where the screaming girl hid. It was locked from the inside, but she had unlocked and attempted to bust out. He really didn't want to hurt her. Hell, he didn't even want to hurt Niall. The poor kid. He was thinking that Lars was going a bit overboard with this Harry thing, but then again, Lars was just helping out his home, their home. If Harry didn't come home, hell would over run this town. Niall and his girlfriend would be in so much more pain then they already are.

Louis flinched when he glimpsed Lars's hand slap Niall's face from the end of the hallway. His deep groan made the girl behind the door scream. Lars screamed back.

"Tomlinson I mean it shut her UP!"

Louis sighed and nudged the door open and closed it once he was inside.

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