Chapter 19: A Traitorous Meeting

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{A/N} I cant believe my eyes...almost 20 chapters in...and over 400 reads...*sniffle* thank you guys so much, and sorry if the last chapter was really long and dragged out a bit...I was really tired, now you shall see what happens...hehehe...

Harry's POV:

I woke up again for the second time on Benny's couch, and once again, she wasn't beside me. She promised tonight though, that I was happy about. I can't explain how much I wanna just envelope her body in my arms, keep her safe an warm, like no one did to me. I wanted someone to care for her, and if that someone had to be me, I definelty wasn't going to argue. She was my literal escape. Again, I just met the girl a few days ago, I must've sounded crazy. No one can care for someone that fast...can they? Maybe I really was a lost pup, just like they all said I was. All of the Alphas, all of the Elders, that god damn traitor Lars...

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, along with the furious thoughts in my head that churned into a storm eventually. With a yawn, I opened my eyes to see my phone laying on the coffee table.

"How'd you get there?" I asked myself, or my phone, if it could listen. I picked it up carefully and studied it, flipping it open. "Hmmm.." I bit my bottom lip to see the main menu screen of a sunset as the background. "Must've sat on it or something..." I muttered before standing up and placing it back in my pocket. My mouth opened again in a wide yawn. It surprised me when I heard a whine slip my lips. I froze on my way to the kitchen, taking in what I just did, and laughed a little.

I glanced at Patches sitting there on the counter where Benny must've left him one night or morning, the stuffed dog was leaning against a glass jar that smelled really sweet. I hastily licked my lips, freezing again and taking in the scent. "Cookies?" I walked over to the jar, about to open the thing when that damn dog gave me a look with its mishapen button eyes.

"Oh, don't look at me like that. You're just jealous that dogs can't have chocolate..." I said in a sassy tone, stuffing a single cookie in my mouth and grabbing two more with my hand. I stuck my tongue out at him before gulping the cookie down, and starting on my second one. "What to eat..." I said in between the last bite of crumbly goodness. I found a frozen pasta pan inside the fridge and ended up heating it up to eat.

I leaned against the counter as I waited for the meal to eat up, crossing my arms against my chest. I sighed. I really missed Benny. "Ugh, who's the lost puppy now?" I scoffed at myself harshly. Was it really that wrong to have an attachment to someone? Apparently so now in the pack. I felt my brows furrow together when I pictured Lars laughing at me, mocking me how my parents were dead, and how he got everyone calling me,"The Lost Pup". I let out a growl, then whined and jumped up. I turned, trembling to see the meal was done.

After I finished my meal and glared at Patches from time to time from judging me, I walked through the living room to the small shower around the corner. It was tiny compared to Benny's bathroom, but I didn't want to be rude and invade her privacy. That and she locked her bedroom. I learned that the hard way.

I slipped off my clothes, putting my phone and wallet on the sink, and easily slipped into the shower stall, sliding the door closed. I let the hot water fall over me, hissing in pleasure at its temperature. I hummed and just stood there under the shower head, feeling my hair fall in front of my face and the stinging water drip down my front.

After what I'd say was 5 minutes, way too short, I stepped out and dried my hair with the towel before wrapping it around my waist. I looked into the small mirror, seeing my hair in a shaggy damp mess. I sighed before picking up the hairdrier that was hidden under the sink.

"Lookin good Styles...perfect for a good night of cuddling!" I smirked at myself and winked in the mirror, admiring my clothes and hair. I could take care of myself pretty well. My hair was styled up the front, my curls on the side, like it always was. I had a sense it made Benny and other girls go weak at the knees. That's what I thought anyway. I plucked at a piece of fuzz on my plain black t shirt and watched it fall in front of me, glancing my black skinny jeans now on my waist. Benny was probably gonna make fun of my style sense...either that or be in love with it and not tell me. I'd tease her anyway.

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