Chapter 22: Don't Worry

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(A/N): Holy sweet Jesus that gif *-* im dead already..Im going to need Jesus so bad after this lol...pray for me guys, for the quality of this and the guilt I'm ultimately going to feel.

I was almost falling apart at Harry's words and at how close his lips were to my ear, which I figured he knew I liked a lot. I let a small whimper out, feeling his long fingers glide up my thigh and under my skirt where my unmentionables were located.

"Just tell me Benny.." He whispered. My whole body at this point was utterly trembling, I was right under his thumb. The faint thoughts in my head I had before were now coming true. I gulped and breathed out shakily, trying to speak but my lips were glued and tucked into my mouth. I closed my eyes tightly when I felt the fainst touch of his fingertips slide up and up my thigh. They were now rubbing the waistband back and forth. I made a small noise, like a whine or a moan, making Harry chuckle.

I tilted my neck away from him, but he followed back, his lips grazing my ear and totally not plugging up Niagra Falls any.

"If you don't answer me love then I'm just gonna keep going.."

I whimpered again, twitching my legs just slightly. His fingers were wrapping themselves up in the lace of my underwear, I didn;t know if I could handle it.

At the touch of Harry's lips on my earlobe I moaned, just a little.


I sighed softly when his lips made their way back down to my neck, at which made me bite my lip so hard I expected to taste blood. I held in every sound I wanted to make and every nervous flinch I wanted to move. I was so unsure and nervous I couldn't even think straight. Did I want him to? Hell yes. Did I really really want him to? Morals pushed aside? I don't know..

My eyes snapped wide open. His fingers were now sliding soothingly down, digging under my underwear.

"Ha..Ha-Harry..." I said with shaky breath. The sexy asshole cut me off, my eyes were fully dilated now, but I closed them and tilted my head back to rest it against the mirror, moaning when one of his fingers found the wet slit.

Harry's mouth kissed its way back up to my ear. He definitely knew how to make me squirm. I licked my lip with my eyes closed, listening intently to his deep and low voice by my sensitive ear. Niagra Falls was flooding.

"So wet...I didn't do this did I?" He asked, teasing me.

I furrowed my brow together and opened my mouth to gasp for breath. His fingers rubbed their way inside of me. I gulped and heard it all. I nodded silently, still fighting the urge to respond with any profound noises.

"Hmmm..." Harry hummed by my ear, lowering his voice into a whisper that I couldn't resist in moaning at,"I never got an answer love...that must mean..."

"Ohhh..." I wasn't gonna hold back anymore. I started panting heavily but quietly, under my own breath, when he started rubbing my folds. "Shit..." I cursed barely above a whisper.

I opened my eye barely to see Harry's face in front of mine now. His eyes weren't a soft green any more. Oh no, they were a dark and sexy shade of emerald. I saw the spark of lust in his eyes, and his tongue peek out of his plump, pink lips. Oh dear god my thoughts...

He watched me, watched me breath and writhe under his gentle touch. He was just rubbing me, but that was just enough for me to make a noise. I stared at him the whole time, my breathing was starting to get more ragged. The smirk signalled a spark in my brain that told me exactly what he was doing next.

In the same fashion as he had first kissed me, Harry swiftly pushed my legs apart from each other. I felt the liquid drip and I started blushing hardcore, but I didn't notice it because Harry pushed himself against the dresser so he could get as close to me as possible. One hand was stil slowly rubbing me, and the other slid up next to it, making me throw my head back. I focused on Harry's fingers, feeling his hand grip the waistband of my underwear and tug at it until it was off of me. I leaned up to help him. I opened my eyes and watched as he gazed at my underwear slide down my legs and stop at my ankles. He chuckled before pulling them off with one hand.

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