Chapter 27: Twice Lost

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Benny's POV:

"What? you mean?" I asked.

Harry sounded more sad than I've ever saw him. It was like his voice was dragging, pushing and urging him to say it. I know it brought him pain to do so. I looked up at all of the howling wolves of varying emotions, and I think I knew.

"This..this is what our pack used to be. Happy. At peace. Our only care in the world was if we got a good sized hunt or not that evening.." Harry chuckled, small and sarcastically. It almost scared me.

I took a step forward in his direction but--me being my clumsy self--I slipped on a loose mound of dirt and started slipping down the hill. Before I fell down, Harry urgently leaned down to grab my arm. He caught me and we locked eyes as he slowly pulled me up beside him. I was so focused into his bright eyes that I didn't notice the wolves' howls started getting louder and louder, sounding more urgent and emotional. It was also frightening, did I mention that? You couldn't acknowlege that though when a boy like Harry was slowly pulling you closer to him. It was almost like something in the air was making him do it, which scared me more. I felt the thick air around our bodies, I had a feeling he did too.

"Careful.." He uttered and I nodded, making him crack a very small smile, if that's what you would call a faint tilt of the corner of his lips.

He faintly let me go but our eyes lingered. God damn I seriously wanted to kiss him again. I wondered if werewolves had the power of mind reading, because when the thought of his soft lips touching mine oh so carefully skimmed my mind, his "smile" actually became a cute grin.

Catching me way off guard as the wolves' howls and barks were the soundtrack of the lake, Harry quickly shifted his weight to peck my lips with his thick ones. My reaction was of course blushing, like any sane girl would do unless you don't like boys. Don't descriminate!

He chuckled once he pulled away and turned his body towards the lake in front of us that was still shrouded in fog. I gazed at it for a minute, then tried to find Harry's line of vision when a few wolves growled playfully and ran right around us. Harry seemed fine, but the wind from the burst of air spun me around so I was facing behind us. The two little pups were rolling around in the tan dirt of the hill, yet no dust swirled around them or on their transparent fur. Obviously.

I giggled when the slightly chubbier one barked as ferociously as its little heart could muster and tackled the smaller one. Kneeling down, I seemed to have caught their attention, unlike all of the other pups, wolves and humans around them. I watched them bumble over and almost doubled over in cuteness.

Harry's POV:

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Benny kneel down after a lone wolf ran by us in a heated hunt. The two small pups kept her occupied as I faced the wolves racing and howling before us at nothing. I knew it wasn't really nothing. My eyes locked onto a peculiar ghostly figure. It was in human form, and the figure was all too familiar in my mind. She was the very reason I came here.

"My son.."

"Mum.." I breathed out like it was the last exhale I would ever take in outer space.

She was as beautiful as the last day I saw her. Her long brown hair brought me comfort in human form, and it reflected as a long and soft coat of coffee colored fur in wolf form. Her eyes were the same warm and extravagently green, shown in both forms. I couldn't see any color of her though. She was just merely a spirit. One of the many I summoned by being a member of the pack and speaking the anicient words to bring them here, into these legendary grounds.

She was pale and transparent, but her features stood out greatly. I could almost see the green hue of her eyes. I got that from her.

"You're so grown darling.." She whispered, but her voice sounded like it was booming into my eardrums so I heard her speak clear as day.

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