The Truth.

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May 18,2014.

Well then, today I relapsed.. No, I didn't cut.. And I didn't do anything that I'd consider "detrimental" but I smoked about half a cigarette. And Yes, I do regret it.. Slightly. It caused even more conflict within myself. And sometimes I want to just press the off button on my brain and heart and just go totally empty , see what true emptiness is, but how would I feel it? With no heart and all.. And how would I function properly , no brain and all.. But at the same time.. It could cause peace for many.. on the other hand, chaos for most. Anyways.. I should go to bed soon.. My moms already kinda of agitated and I am also just as agitated as she. I've thought it over and over though, and I'm quite curious.. What causes us to get up when we fall as children/babies..? We had no friends.. No hopes, no true aspirations.. Yet we got up.. But now, in the current days, we need something to get us up and participate in life.. And half of us, or more, don't actually even participate! We just Deal with it. We let things happen as we sit there, and there are do many ways we could react to it before it happens, while it happens, and after it happens. I mean sure, as babies we cried over every little thing.. But did we dwell on it continuously until it tore us apart limb. By. Limb? Not usually no.. But also, we usually got what we wanted, or at least most of us did.. They say how you turn out depends on how you were raised.. Do explain this.. Two twins. Raised the same, same treatment, same struggles, they were humans, just as everyone else around them. But one grows up and dies an early death from going down the wrong path, the other , lives a healthy and happy life with his family and kids. (He misses his brother dearly to this day..) Anyways, I believe.. Hold on let me clarify this again.. >>>I<<< -(This does NOT mean I expect you to agree, I accept any objections and I'd be willing to hear your belief , if it's logical.. Please do not say "That's stupid" and not give an explanation,therefor I will not take your opinion serious. But I just might.. Because I believe in equality.. Thank you, please continue reading on now..)-believe that how we handle things and how we grow inside ourselves is what determines who we're going to be. I'm sure that how you were raised comes into some type of retrospect in the future.. But in general, is everyone EXACTLY like their parent? If so, do they get along. If so.. I find that extremely exquisite.. I say this every time.. But I feel like I'm rambling on.. So with that, I shall take my leave..




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