The Truth.

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May 21,2014.

Today went better than yesterday! My brain and heart didn't have any rap battles. But they didn't have to! I really didn't have any urges today to harm myself or others , and I didn't abuse or want to abuse drugs or alcohol. I however, am extremely hungry right now.. To the point where I just might stab a betch to get some food.. But there's not much to eat in the house.. But that might be Gods way of saying " The doctors say your obese, I'm just tryna help out!" So I'll just wait till tomorrow to find something to eat, until then.. I guess I'll just chew gum.. But I do feel weird.. Like I can only control myself for so long before I implode again.. I thought that writing it all down would help me to not implode.. But I still think I might implode any moment.. I'm just worried about what'll happen when it occurs.. But no need to worry about the future.. Today is a gift, that's why they call it The Present.. Right...? I guess so.. Anyways.. I'm really tired now.. So I'll make it short tonight and say. Whoever might be reading this right now.. You're amazing. In your own way you're unique and there will never be another you.. So show the world what you have to offer.. And don't let that light inside fizzle out..




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