Chapter 4

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"Surely that must be all the proof you need to consider her a sizeable threat?" Ryan exclaimed. Vincent stood in the trio, watching the exchange between the old Zeta and Beta Ashley. As Ryan grew more agitated, Vincent turned and looked through the small window. She'd woken soon after they got her back into the cell, and her wrists were already rubbed raw from her futile attempts to escape the chains that Ryan had insisted they lock her in.

The girl was no longer moving, having shrunk into herself, and Vincent felt his heart tug at the sight of her bloodied hands and feet. He didn't have enough time to tend to them before she woke up, and Ryan was having none of it when Newt suggested taking her back to Vincent's cabin. Just like before, her ears were pricked, showing she was listening to every word. He had to make himself sound good, had to gain her trust.

"So when can we let her out again?" He spontaneously asked as he turned away from the door. Beta Ashley and Ryan stopped mid-way through their exchange to look at him, both with surprise, one with vivid anger.

"Are you seriously considering letting that bitch out after what just happened?" Ryan cried, thrusting a hand towards the cell.

"Don't call her that, Ryan. She's scared." Vincent said calmly.

"I'm sorry Krieger, but I have to agree with Ryan on this one. She could have escaped." Beta Ashley agreed sadly. "As much as I would love to believe you when you say you have it covered, I can't put Blood Moon at any more risk than I already have."

"Give me two weeks, Beta Ashley." Vincent begged. "She doesn't even have to be let out of the cell. I want to help her." He switched to the mind-link to ensure the prisoner heard nothing.

Newt is calling in a Reader, about two weeks away. She needs to make contact with the girl to read her. I'll gain her trust.

"I don't agree with your methods of force." Vincent said out loud. Ryan looked at Beta Ashley, horrified at his thoughtful face.

"You can't seriously be considering this?" The Zeta exclaimed. Beta Ashley held up a hand to silence Ryan, looking at Vincent with weary eyes.

"Two weeks Cross, and if the Leser is no use, Ryan will be given full control of the girl's fate." Beta Ashley decided. Vincent nodded eagerly, accepting his proposition. "Don't let me down Cross." The Beta dismissed the two of them with a final nod, before turning and walking away. Ryan glared at Vincent before storming off after the Beta. Vincent turned back to look through the glass, stunned when he was met with two hazel eyes. She heard them.

Two weeks. He thought. I can do two weeks.

The next morning, Vincent was up early, coming up with a plan. One of the more pressing matters he faced was treating her wounds, but she wouldn't let him anywhere near her. He would happily tie her down and treat her that way, but Newt wouldn't have a cent of it. He'd also suggested leaving her that way and letting Ryan have his way, especially after she'd made the run for it, but Newt wouldn't accept the fact that she could be - and probably was - a spy.

If you want this plan to work, you need to gain her trust, you idiot. The Kappa had admonished. Vincent stared at the dark wood kitchen table and groaned, dropping his head into his hands and rubbing his face wearily. Why him? He had considered dropping out of the game and removing himself completely from the situation, but then Ryan's words flashed in his mind. Vincent couldn't let Ryan do that to her, even though he himself had wished even worse in a fit of rage.

There was something about her that drew him towards her, like a magnet. Curiosity killed the cat, but what had it ever done to the werewolf? Eventually his need for answers won out over the logic in an internal battle, and Vincent stood up, downing the last of his water and dropping the glass into the sink to be washed later. He pulled the dish the pack house staff had prepared earlier out of the microwave and wrapped some glad wrap over the top to retain the heat and intensify the smell.

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