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*Rose's POV*

I wasn't always angry... depressed, aggressive or hurt. I mean actually I'm a normal teen. A normal fifteen year old girl. I used to play with barbies, I like listening to music and playing with my little sister, I like hanging out with my friends. I'm just like every other fifteen year old girl.

There's only one thing that makes a difference. The mothers of the girls in my school aren't married to a douchebag. Mostly they aren't. Of course I'm only talking about those who I know about.

Actually I hope that there aren't any other girls who have to live the same because I wouldn't even want my biggest enemy to go through this.

Okay maybe I would.

Anyways here's my story.
After my dad left us, my mother married Richard. What a stupid name, right?

Well just like every other douche he made her believe that he's rich, nice, working, etc. As naive as my mother is, she believed him. She fell in love with him. (I'm still not sure if she fell for him or for the money that he didn't have).

And one day (I still remember the day, it was a Wednesday (since that day I started hating Wednesday's)) I came from school and she was sitting in that old-lady-hand-folded-I-have-to-tell-you-something position.

I let my backpack on the ground and walked towards her. She stood up and I saw Sophie rushing down the stairs. (Sophie is my little sister).

She was happily laughing with the doll in her hand as always. I smiled at her as she took my hand and asked myself what's going on.

As my mom walked towards me a man came right out of our kitchen and she hit me with that I-know-you'll-understand-me look. I raised my brow at him.

He just held my mother in his arms and she just said it like there's nothing about it. »Rose.. this is Richard.. your new stepdad.«.

Between my name is Rose. She looked at him smiling very happily. My jaw dropped and I wanted to start laughing and ask if she was kidding but she definitely wasn't.

So after a long argument she started crying and saying that she's finally happy after my dad left without leaving a note or anything. That she feels loved and safe again and that he's good for her.

How could I resist my mother's needs? How could I not dry her tears and tell her that it's okay and that I'm happy if she is? Yeah I did it and that was stupid.

Let's just skip what happened after that.
He got meaner and more disgusting with time. Or should I say he just showed who he really is?
Well he wasn't working. He wasn't rich. He wasn't nice.

He was and still is a damn alcoholic who is abusing us. Yeah US. All. After months he started screaming at my mom when she didn't please him or just didn't do what he wanted. After a while he started hitting her.

Of course I tried to stop him somehow but he started hitting me too. Thank god he never touched Sophie. She was too small.. too young. I always tried to save her with my whole life.

He's just an asshole. He won't let my mom go out. Not even to the front or back yard to get the trash out or shopping or anything else. I am doing all of this.

And since he's not working, he forces me to get the money from somewhere.. somehow..
And if not then I have to go to school with a lots of make up or sunglasses.

All he's doing is drinking all day in pajamas in front of the TV. The house is filled with empty beer bottles which I have to clean up. (The house is a mess in any way. He's smelling so bad.. he's always drunk and aggressive.

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