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*Rose's POV*

Things between me and Daisy really aren't the same anymore. She made me feel it today. She's barely talking to me. She acts like everything is okay but she doesn't care.. we lost this thing.. I feel like shit.

Everything is fucked up. I messed everything up. I'm so screwed. I'm stuck and I don't know what to do anymore. This all is my fault. Only because I don't have the balls anymore to open my mouth.

I slept during the classes and lunch. The class is empty because they all went to the gym. Including Daisy. She didn't even ask me if I would be coming with her.. she didn't even look for me. I must be stupid to not understand it. And she's not stupid as well. Of course she realized it.

I mean usually she would stay with me in class if I wouldn't go and we would talk about several things and stupid stuff that would make us laugh. But now.. it's so weird. It's not the same anymore. And it's all because of me.

Only because I couldn't hold myself back.. because I couldn't open my mouth and end everything.. because I always chose what would be right for me instead of the other ones. I didn't care about her feelings or anything.. that was stupid.. if I would be her, I would do the same.

Suddenly I hear somebody knocking on the door. When I see Ethan walking in, I stand up.. he smiles and opens his arms. So I run towards him and hug him. »Do you feel better?« he asks. I shake my head.

»I'm tired.. of everything.« I slowly back off and look at him. He furrows his eyebrows. »And I hoped the breakfast this morning would cheer you up.« I chuckle and get serious again.

»What happened he asks with a soft voice.. I sigh while he still holds me in his arms.. »I'm confused..« my voice comes out very quiet.. and raw.. he takes a deep breath. »Alright. After school you'll take a warm shower.. get a little comfy. I'll make us dinner and we'll talk

I look at him with a soft smile. He's so caring and so sweet. He's acting like we're a couple. Why? Why is he like this? Why me? »Why are you doing this?« I Ask him looking straight into his eyes. »Because I want to get you out of this shit as long as I can.« I look at the ground but he makes me look at him.

»You're risking too much.« I whisper. »Don't worry about me. It's not like I kidnapped you. Just a friend staying at a friend.« I like that we use this word. He winks and I smile. »Friends with benefits.« he says and my jaw drops. I hit his chest and say

»Shut up! This was nothing!« he laughs.. »I know..« I feel so embarrassed.. then he gets a call and he says he has to leave.. after he leaves I take a deep breath and sit back down on my place.. he's probably the only person on this planet who's caring.. who's nice and sweet..

*Grayson's POV*

Friends with benefits.. I was actually heading to her class because I wanted to make it up again.. I need to get my shit together. She's not like the other girls. So I need to make it work on another way.. but when I saw Ethan there.. and heard what they talked about..

I don't know why.. but I felt something breaking in me.. not my heart because I don't have one.. but I need to hurry things up.. before I lose her.. before I lose my chance.. my fathers payback.. I need to do something real quick. So I call Carter. My hands are shaking.

»Dude. You need to hurry. Make a lit playlist, invite every hot chic you know, get some drinks and weed. No! Not only weed! More!« I talk very fast but he got it.

»Alright.« he says really quick with a joyful voice. »Bro! Make sure that Elijah and this one girl are coming!« he laughs and I laugh too. This shit's about to go down...

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