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*Rose's POV*

Three days later I still don't go to school. Mom asked me why but I didn't answer her. She also asked me how the party was but I didn't answer that either. Talking about it brings bad memories back. It was a disaster that escalated too quickly.. I feel numb.

I don't know what Grayson is doing and if he's going to school but I'm not planning on talking to him. I also don't know what the other frauds are doing.. I don't want to know it. Since I turned my phone off I didn't talk to anybody and I didn't turn it back on again.

It's better like this at least for a while before I get a clean head. The only bad side of all of this for me is that I have to do what Richard says. I don't want to argue or fight with him because it's really exhausting and tearing me apart. I just do what he says and try to stay away from him after that.

It's better instead of making everything worse.. I always try to keep Sophie busy.. either I tell her to play at the backyard or send her over to a friend..
I also help mom with the laundry and the dishes.. we don't talk but we do it together.. I already feel how I'm transforming into her.. I'm weak and lonely.. stuck in this life forever.. no escape.

It's not as easy as I thought.. all the years.. I kept telling mom it would be easy and we could get out of this.. but we can't.. it's too difficult.. how am I supposed to get out of this if I can't even tell anybody about it.. the words just won't roll off my tongue.. I'm too embarrassed..

»WHERE IS MY FOOD?« he screams from the living room. Mom hands me the plate real quick and I walk over to him.. he smirks when he sees me but I don't feel anything. I'm already used to his dirty looks. »Looks tasty..« he says and licks his lips.. I hand him the plate but can't stop thinking about Grayson's way to touch me..

I can feel his hands all over my body.. sometimes rough sometimes gentle.. but always warm.. how he hugged me and told me I shouldn't hurt myself.. I feel my heart bleeding when I think about him.. I'm trying so hard to not feel anything for him but I can't. I'm trying to hate him..

I'm trying to not think about him.. I shouldn't think about him, I should hate him like I always did but I can't. How the hell did this all happen? How did we start talking? It was me.. it was Daisy..

I don't know how I got his attention and why he kept messing with me.. but I know that from now on no matter how hard I'll try he won't let me go.. I won't let him go..

He doesn't know anything about me and I only know what I see and hear about him.. and I called him a criminal.. I didn't listen to him.. who is he? I don't know if I really want to find it out and what this thing between us is..

I don't even know if there is anything.. I'm only one of the other girls. He can move on and find someone else.. there's no need to waste my time with thinking about him.

Suddenly Richard smacks my ass and I gasp for air. I look at him but he keeps smirking.. I also got used to this.. he keeps touching me and saying things that should make me feel uncomfortable but I just don't care.

I know he won't stop and I know I won't be able to do anything so I just walk back to the kitchen after he gives me his empty beer bottle. I throw it away and help mom with cleaning the kitchen.. I sigh and feel how she's looking at me..

I just keep doing what I'm doing until she breaks the silence.. »Do.. do you have a boyfriend?« she asks kinda shy.. I roll my eyes.. she's bringing this conversation back again.. I don't want to talk about this. I don't answer.

»Rose please talk to me.. you seem depressed..« I laugh. Depressed? How could she think that the reason for the way I feel and act is a boyfriend? That's really the last thing I think about...
I shake my head.

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