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*Grayson's POV*

He screams and punches me.. I have to admit he's hitting me very hard but I'll let him talk.. »YOU DON'T EVEN LOVE HER!« he screams..

I start breathing faster with every second but I need to calm down for a little longer to knock him completely out.. he punches me again. »You are fucking annoying. You are destroying people's lives and so many people hate you but you're not even aware of it..« he's breathing heavily too.. 

*Ricardo's POV*

Me and Carter are leaning against his car.. I know this shouldn't happen but we gotta support him and we only want to see who's gonna win and if anything escalates then we'll stop them.

»What do you think for how long will he be able to keep his shit together?« Carter asks. I look at the situation. Grayson is trying to stay calm but he's only waiting.. the calm before the storm.. I know what he's waiting for.. »Like three or four seconds

*Grayson's POV*

»She doesn't even know what you've done! You destroyed her friends life!« he's talking too much. He's talking way too much.»And Rose still doesn't know what a son of a bitch you are.« he says and looks at me eyes wide open realizing what he just said.. na na na.. he's dead..

*Ricardo's POV*

»Okay forget about the few seconds, I take his left side.« I say knowing that shits about to go down now. I can see how his looks change. »Right for me.« he says. What Elijah said was so disrespectful that I'm sure even we won't be able to save him.

*Grayson's POV*

I punch him as hard as I can. Then I jump on him and pull him to the ground. I've been angry a lot of times but this time.. he used my mother.. holy piss I can't.

I can't control myself. He's dead. I don't care. I'll kill him. He mentioned my mom and Rose. How could he dare? I kick him into his ribs until he spits blood.

*Rose's POV*

I see how Grayson is kicking somebody.. he looks like he's freaking out.. I'm sure he is.. I keep running towards him to stop him but Valentino catches me. He wraps his arms around me from behind and picks me up but I scream.

»NOOO! LET ME GO! GRAYSON!« I scream as loud as I can but he can't hear me. He's totally lost.. I try to free myself from his tight grip but he won't let me... I freeze when I realize it's Elijah.. especially when I hear what he's saying..

*Grayson's POV*

»As soon.. as she finds out.. what you've done.. she'll leave you and she'll come back to me.« he keeps talking although I don't stop hitting him. What he's saying is making me crazy. I don't even know how to explain this feeling because I don't know exactly what it is.

I'm so angry.. another stage of angry. I'm actually going to kill him. I can hear Rose's voice but I can only concentrate on the bastard in front of me. It's getting out of hand and I don't care about it anymore. I forget about every promise that I made because I can't keep them anyway..

»You're only hurting her.. She'll never forgive you.« he says groaning in pain. I get on top of him and punch him as hard as I can. Some blood of mine drips on his face. »You're a Psychopath! Wait until I'll tell her what you've done with us and that it was all your fault!« he keeps talking and that's making me freak out.

»SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!« I start choking him. I know he's right. I'm sick. I'm mentally ill because I don't feel healthy and I know I need help.. »You freak!« he says with blood all over his face. I'm not even sure if it's his or mine but I'm sure I broke his nose.

I've never been breathing that fast.. he keeps talking about her.. »I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!« I scream until my throat burns. I hit his head against the ground. He's fucking my brain. I shouldn't listen to him but the things he's saying are somehow touching me. I keep grabbing his hair and hitting his head against the cold dirty ground..

»Grayson enough!« Ricardo says pulling me back and I feel a few arms around me.. my vision blurs and I feel like my veins are going to explode. I think I broke one of his ribs because he's coughing and screaming in pain but I don't care.. he's spitting blood. He's still living and that's a thorn in my eye.

»She'll.. she'll come back to me.. because I treat her right.. if you know what I mean..« he says still in pain. He's making everything worse. He just won't shut up. That's it. I can't. »RICARDO LET ME GO HE'LL FIND HIS HEAD IN HIS ASS I'LL KILL

*Rose's POV*

Valentino won't let me go although I really try my best. Why are all his friends so strong? He picks me up and wants to carry me away but I keep trying to escape. »Rose no!« he says softer now.. I try to calm down but seeing Grayson freaking out like this.. were in the same position and he's actually going to kill him..

I want him to stop. I want him to calm down. I want to know what's going on and why he's fighting or killing Elijah. I thought they would be bros. It's confusing and somebody needs to stop him. »No.. calm down.. he's too dangerous right now..« he says calmly out of breath from trying to keep my together.

He told me to stay in class because he didn't want me to see him like this.. or he was afraid of hurting me.. »B-but I need to do something..« I say stuttering..

*Grayson's POV*

I keep screaming because Ricardo and Carter won't let me go. »YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU PUSSY WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? YOU'RE A LITTLE BITCH LOOK AT YOU!« I scream trying to kick him but I can't reach him.

His face is totally covered in blood, he looks like he's dying and I wish he would. If he won't then I'll do it. »GRAYSON DOLAN!« I hear our principal screaming and when I look up I see how she's walking towards us.. I don't care if she'll expel me. I truly don't give a little shit.. but then I see Rose behind her..

Valentino is holding her.. she looks so exhausted.. scared and disappointed.. no.. this was exactly what I didn't want.. that makes everything even worse. I'm not okay. Definitely not okay. I am losing my mind.. I scream as loud as I can.. I need to do something..

*Rose's POV*

He looks so scary with all the blood.. he screams like he's in pain. He's totally lost his mind. I'm totally confused, shocked and afraid. What was Elijah talking about.. he's been talking shit only to make him angry.. what should he have done that would make this all so bad?

I know Grayson is doing a lot of shit but what's going on between of them? But that's the last thing I think about.. I only want to.. I don't know what I want or what I should do right now.. I'm so scared of him I can understand why his friend won't let me go.. I've never seen him like this and I wish I wouldn't...

»MY OFFICE! NOW!« Mrs. Buchanan screams at him while a few other guys run and help Elijah up. He screams in pain when they try to help him and Grayson freaks out again. »LET HIM DIE THERE!« he screams and it hurts to see him like that. It hurts like hell.

»Excuse me Mrs. Buchanan but I don't think that leaving you and Grayson alone in an office would be a good idea.« Carter says still holding him back. Grayson has gone crazy. I'm only watching them.. I can't do anything.

»Then take him away from here! I don't want to see something rebellious like this here! As soon as he gets himself back together we'll have a serious talk!« she tries to lower her voice.. they take him away but I can still hear him screaming..

»NO LET ME GO I NEED TO TALK TO HER!« he screams.. his voice is so deep and raspy.. like a knife.. »No the hell not Grayson. You're not gonna hurt her.« is the last thing I hear before they're out of view... I feel so exhausted.. what was that?

I turn around when Valentino let's me go.. I start crying hysterically.. he wraps his arms very slowly, carefully and gently around me. I let him do it because otherwise I'll lose myself too..

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