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*Grayson's POV*

The first thing I see when I wake up on the other morning is Rose sitting in front of me with a big smile. I can see she just woke up..
She looks so lovely and so happy even I can feel the butterflies in her stomach.

»You creep.. watching me while I'm sleeping.« I say smiling. She blushes and throws a pillow on me. She's wearing my shirt. I could die for mornings like these..

I pull her on top of me and run my hands through her messy hair.. how can someone be so beautiful at this time? She lays her head on my chest. We stay quiet.. 

I'm thinking about telling her that I love her... I never said it to anybody. I want to say it to her but I still want it to be something special.. she's probably the only woman besides my mom who will hear it.

I don't want her to feel rushed or anything while the situation with her dad is still so new.. I want her to concentrate on what makes her happy..

So we stand up and get ready together. She ties her hair up and I have to admit that makes me think of some wrong things so I look away immediately.

»You know I actually feel well enough to go back to school. This all helped me a lot..« she says when she's done. I scratch my neck remembering Elijah and his big mouth.

He's not scaring me and I'm probably going to face him by myself before hell do it but I need Rose to stay away from him.. I don't know how I'm going to do this.. no.. I do.

»Are you sure? You still have time.« I say leaning onto the sink while she makes her hair perfectly. »Yeah. I mean I'm taking the meds, I'm happy, you're here and I don't want to miss too much

I take a deep breath. »If you say so.« she smiles at me. God she is so beautiful and so strong I'm weak for her.. She leaves to wake Sophie up and I walk downstairs to find my dad and Catherine getting ready for another business trip.

I sigh. »Aren't you tired of dragging a pregnant woman behind you wherever you go?« I Ask grabbing an apple from the counter and leaning into it. It's not like I care about her and her baby since they both are stupid.. but I want to annoy the hell out of him until he decides to leave or let's me go.

I'm only here because I promised my mom. Dad clenches his jaw while he fixes his collar. I'm waiting for him to say something but instead of him, Catherine talks.

Her voice gets a little less annoying with every time I talk to her. »Oh no. It's totally fine. I like spending time with him. It's good for the baby.« she says putting her hand on her stomach. She smiles. I hate people who smile like her.. like they're the happiest people alive. I can't stand it so I put the apple away.

»You both are disgusting me.« I say shaking my head. There's nothing wrong with saying what I feel. »We are going now. I don't know when we'll be back... but we have something serious to talk about.« he says totally angry. I sigh.

»Whatever.« I say and shrug. He's pissing me off and he's leaving so that's perfect. I won't complain, I won't ask him about what he wants to talk to me about, I won't do shit. I love it when he leaves for work.

So when I watch them leaving and act like I care, Rose and Sophie walk down together. I keep smiling and tell them that we could make breakfast together so her dad can join. The hell since when am I so nice and cute? Oh god I need to get my shit back together.

I'll creep the hell out of her. I guess I only want her dad to like me and her to feel like she actually has a family that's there for her and that she can have nice breakfasts with. This is very important.. so I'll build
my own family with her.

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