For Old Glory

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Old Glory

In 2003, we marched to war

Once again defending freedom

That “Old Glory” could freely soar

And the security of every American

Saddam failed to comply

With the requested inspection

As if he had something to hide

Integrity was in question

Was he also housing terrorist

The suspicious man fled

More willing to perish

Than to be counted among the decency of men

We could have let it go

Compromising American Liberties

Never would have known

Until a breach of security

So, we marched off to war

Defending all that we believe in

That “Old Glory” could still soar

And for the rights of every American

** Commentary: Wars have started for less confounding reasons. Yet, the Iraq war is among the most scrutinized. Still people ask all the time, “Why do you think we went to war with Iraq?”

Knowing the history of Saddam Hussein, the American people could not take a chance on the integrity of this man. This is a man that forced his way into “office” and killed many of his own countrymen. He ruled with fear.

There was suspicion that this man had weapons of mass destruction hidden away. Saddam did what any man that has something to hide did; he refused to comply with the UN. He failed to show any proof otherwise to whether or not he did in fact have weapons of mass destruction tucked away somewhere.

If he had weapons of mass destruction, he could have used them against anyone he chose. Weapons of mass destruction are what it sounds like, they cause mass destruction. If he did have them, he could have simply used them against the American people.

Another suspicion was that Saddam had terrorists tucked away somewhere in Iraq. This suspicion was well qualified. Again, knowing his history and character; this could have been very well true.

Along with both of these suspicions together, if they were true, Saddam could cause major damage to any other country or multiple countries. If neither of these suspicions were true, why did he act as if both suspicions were true? He could have very well said that none of the allegations were true and proved it.

Instead, while investigations were conducted, he still acted as if there was something to hide. He made things hard for anyone that tried to conduct the investigations. He made it difficult for anyone to prove either way.

In 2003, America went to war with Iraq. This wasn’t supposed to be a full out war as it turned out. American forces were sent to help the UN. Saddam soon went on the run and hiding.

There are those criticize the decision to send American forces to Iraq and the war. They criticize why we were there and for the length. However, if it weren’t for the decision to go to Iraq, the war could have easily been on our own soil. 

-Dale Griggs

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