part 14

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"I've missed this" caitlin sighed happily.

Her and barry were laid in bed with only a thin blanket covering there naked bodies.

His arms were banded around her under her breasts and her lips were swollen and she had no doubt that her hair was a mess and that there'd be red marks and bruises that she'd have to wear a scarf over tomorrow.

But it was worth it.

"I love you" Barry whispered into her hair and he walked his fingers up her arm making goos bumps erupt on her skin

"I love you too"

Caitlin closed her eyes and enjoyed being with her husband for a few moment before she felt his hands tickle her sides and her eyes snapped open and she giggled.

"Stop it" she laughed

Some how they changed positions so Barry was hovering over her with her hands pinned above her to the matress as he tickled her sides.

"Barry stop it" she said breathlessly

Barry stoped suddenly and the grin instently faded from his face "you know this isn't real right?" He asked serously

Caitlin frowned and Barry climbed off her and stood besides the bed in the same suite he wore at the wedding.

"What's going on?"

Cailin got out of bed and the minuet she did she was in her wedding dress she looked down confused "what's-"

She was cut of by a baby's cry she walked over to the cot that had suddenly appeared in the conner of the room caitlin walked over to it and leaned into look at the new born baby not even a day old.

Barry came to stand behind her do his body was pressed to her back, he ran a hand up and down the back of her arm slowly "she's beautiful" he whispered

Caitlin gave a small nod still staring at the baby in the cot she reached down and picked the baby up and rocked her slowly barry followed her rocking movements swaying with her his hand on the baby's head.

"This still isn't real" barry mumbled

"What?" Caitlin asked confused but when she turned around barry want there anymore

"Barry?!" She asked frantically caitlin looked down at the buddle in her arms only to realise that her child was no longer there only the blankets.

Caitlin began panicking and frantically searching the house for her family she looked in every room practically taring the house apart she opened the door to go outside took a step outside only to fall into darkness.
Caitlin shot up with a gasp and barry looked up at her from his spot on the floor where he was playing with cassidy who was laying on her play mat giggling at her own reflection.

"You okay?" He asked walking over to her an sitting down at the other end of the sofa.

Caitlin sat up feeling a little dazed "I fell asleep" she said suddenly her eyes widening and her heart rate speeding up.

"It's okay" barry tried to reassure her.

Caitlin looked at the clock on top of the fire place and gaped "I fell asleep for 4 hours!"

"Caitlin you needed it its fine me and cassidy were fine I do know how to take care of my own daughter"

"...your right...your right"

"Am I? Because you don't sound too sure of yourself"

"I'm just not used to people helping me with her because she's so fussy with everyone I don't get much help..." caitlin trailed off her eyes fixing on there daughter in the center of the room who was trying to put her foot in her mouth

"Well I promise that I'll always be around from now on" barry said softly.

"Oh so your moving back in?" Caitlin asked

Barry blushed "well...I mean-I just"

"Honey this is your home too we picked it out together we decorated it together me more then you but still we spent hours bringing all the furniture in here we spent days unpacking and we both hated it but it got became our home in the end"

Barry smiled and took no notice of the nickname he figured she was slipping back into old habits.

"Do you want me to show you around?" Caitlin offered

Barry nodded and walked over to cassidy picking her up and following caitlin out into the hall "this is the hallway, this is a photo, this is where we put umbrellas, this is where we keep shoes, this is the bowl where we keep the keys" caitlin grinned

"I lost my memory's not my brain I know what thinks are" he laughed.

Caitlin just shrugged and carried on showing him around until they got to there room.

"This is our room..." she trailed off running her fingers over the bed spread meorys of them together flashing through her mind.

The room looked untouched the bed was made perfectly not even a cushion was out of place.

"When was the last time you slept in here?" Barry asked something like concern lacing his voice.

Caitlin shrugged and sat down in the bed
And hugging a cushion to her chest "the day befre I had cassidy I guess... there's a fold out bed in her room I've been sleeping on that since she was born I felt this need to watch over her I couldn't lose her like I lost..."
"Me?" Barry asked knowingly

Caitlin nodded and felt tears burn her eyes "I didn't know if you were going to wake up and she was all I had left of you an I could lose her too" caitlin choked a a tangled sob leaving her throat.

Barry brought her into his arms making sure to carefully place cassidy on the bed surrounded by pillows and cushions so she wouldn't fall.

"I'm here OK, I'm with you and cassidy and I'm never leaving you again not if I can help it" he assured her pressing a kiss to her temple.

Caitlin nodded wishing she could belive him.

I'm sorry I didn't update I'm not going to lie an say I had no time the truth is I couldn't be bothered I'm a lazy person I will spend half if my life eating wotsits and I won't even feel bad about it.

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