Hurt, Pain, Evil...

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The Day After Kara And Alex's Relationship took a turn...

Kara was typing furiously trying to get a head start on her new report on Supergirl.  As she typed every once in a while a small tear would go streaming down her face.
Kara was getting a little too frustrated at the computer because it kept auto-corecting a bunch of words that she didn't want to be corrected.  She then started hitting the keyboard, not hard but hard enough that it got Lena's attention.

"Kara! Kara, calm down okay?  It's just a computer."  Kara then held her head in her hands and began to speak.

"I'm sorry Lena, I'm just frustrated.  Family drama.  It happens all the time."

"Well, I'm an expert on that."  Kara looked at Lena with a wet teary face with red cheeks.  Lena's heart sunk just looking at her.

"Kara, let's go somewhere private."  Lena helped Kara up from her chair and started walking down the  hallway.  "I think you just need to let it out Kara.  Don't be scared to let me see you cry, just let it out okay?"  Kara nodded and continued to walk down the hallway.  They finally came to the end and went into the supply room and closed the door.  Lena locked it, and the turned around to face Kara.  Lena didn't say anything, but instead hugged Kara tightly as Kara began to sob.

"I don't understand..." Kara said as Lena was rubbing her back. "I just don't get it...I've done so much stuff for her and all of a sudden she's intimidated by me?  Like what the heck?"  Lena pulled away from the hug and wipped some tears away.

"Okay when you say her who are you talking about?"

"Alex. Alex...Alex....." She began to shed more tears as Lena wipped them away with a soft cloth.

"What happened Kara?  You need to be straight with me so then I can help you." Kara looked up at Lena and sniffed a little.  She inhaled, then exhaled, then began talking.

" ummm.....Alex and I had a great time at my house 5 days ago.  We had potstickers and movie night.  Alex asked me a question about me and Mon-El, and I said that I was fine.  She made a reference to when Supergirl attacked the city and then asked me if she would find me doing that.  I told her obviously not.  But, after that she wasn't talking to me, she wouldn't let us have any physical contact or anything.  No texting, calling, emailing.  Just silent.  Then yesterday, I had locked up an ali-....I mean locked up my apartment and said something.  She followed me as if she was trying to say something.  I asked her what was wrong and tried to grab her arm but she just jerked it back like she was scared of me.  Then she told me that she was scared of me..." She began sobbing again " and she just left me there crying on the floor.  I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO HER I SWEAR ACROSS MY LIFE!"  Lena then pulled Kara in for a tight hug as Kara screamed into Lena's shoulder.

"Kara, sh, sh, sh...I want to help you okay?  Here..." Lena pulled out her cell phone and emailed Snapper saying that Kara would be taking the next two days off work. "I canceled your work hours tomorrow so then you can just take a break.  Go home and relax, and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.  If you need me, give me a call, I'll be at to your place in a flash."  Kara then thought of Barry.  He's a good friend.  But, she figured that he was doing something else.

"Okay.  Thank you.  God I'm sorry I didn't mean to end up like this."

"It's okay Kara.  Now go home and get some sleep."

"Okay thanks."  Kara left the office and headed home

At the DEO...

"Okay Mr. Schott, any alien attacks or anything?"

"Nope, zip!  No comprendo Señor J'onzz."  J'onn rolled his eyes and looked at Alex.

"Where's Supergirl?  I need to ask ner something about that hellgrimite.  You know what I'll just text her."

 THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Kara Gets Red Kryptonite Book #1Where stories live. Discover now