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Kara's Apartment...

Alex was left in the apartment confused, scared, stressed, and unhealthy.  Alex hated to see Kara that emotionally unstable.  Alex had honestly never seen anything like that before, ever.  She wanted so badly to turn back time and make everything right.  It's all my fault.  Alex thought those words over and over in her head.  She paced around the apartment wondering what to do.  She decided to call Eliza and tell her what was going on.

"Alex, sweetie are you okay? Is Kara okay?"

"Oh...yeah mom I'm fine.  But...."

"What happened to her sweetie." Alex began to sob.

"Mom, she turned evil again and it's my fault!"  Alex could barley control herself.

"Alex calm down okay?  Just tell me, what happened?"

"Ummm....So Red Kryptonite has a memory, so she became so stressed and angry with herself that Red Kryptonite made its way to the surface.  Now, apparently it can bring other emotions.  Not only does it make her angry, but it can make her sad and fearful as well.  I just want my sister back!  I want Kara back so badly."

"I know sweetie I know."

"I don't know what to do..."

"I have an idea..."


"Have you tried getting through to her?"

"I tried to apologize, but it didn't work."

"Alex, find her and get through to her.  Bring her back.  Be Supergirl's superhero."

"I'll try mom, I'll try.  Anyway, I gotta go."

"Okay sweetie, I love you."

"Love you too mom.  Bye."  Alex put her phone on the counter and sat down.  She got up and looked at the pictures on Kara's wall.  One was of Kara taking a selfie of her and Alex in the night sky.  Alex took the picture off the wall, layed on Kara's bed, and went to sleep.

At L Corp...

Kara flew as fast as she could trying to get there so then she wouldn't have to listen to a lecture about how important this is.  She kept trying to forget about Alex, but something about it wasn't working.  Anyway, she saw Reign and landed on the roof.

"Where the hell were you?" Reign said with a nasty tone.

"None of your business."  Kara talked back.

"Hey, you're going to tell me where you were!"  Reign had stuck her hand out to point at Kara but she took Reign's arm and flipped her over onto her back making cracks on the cement.  Kara's face lit up red with kryptonite.  She looked so intimidating to Reign that she begged her to stop.

"NEVER ASK ME WHERE I AM AGAIN!" Kara then flipped her over and punched her face.

"OK! OK! OK!  I'M BEGGING YOU PLEASE STOP!" Kara let go of her and walked over to the edge of the building and put her elbows down.

"So, have you thought of anything yet?" Kara asked as Reign got up, slowly.

"No, ma'am."  Reign said as Kara turned around pinning her to the ground.

"YOU WHAT?  NOTHING?" Kara was holding her down sitting her back.

"Ok! Give me one day and I will have a plan!  Just for the love of god stop hurting me!"  Kara immediately flew off of her as fast as she could.  For some reason the words stop hurting me stung in Kara's mind.  Kara felt broken as she watched Reign stumble to her feet.  Kara didn't want to look soft in front of her so then she covered up how she felt by being rude.

"Who's the leader here?" Kara asked as if she didn't want an answer.

"You..." Reign replied frightened.  She was not expecting a former superhero to be that evil.

"That's what I thought, and if you try to put that to the test so help me god I will do that again."  Reign nodded quickly with big widened eyes as Kara turned around.  She said one thing before blasting back off into the air.

"Tomorrow, 10:00 p.m. have a plan." Kara blasted off as Reign sat there, stunned.

Back At Kara's Apartment...

When Kara finally arrived back at her apartment she immediately went to her fridge and got out a bottle of water.  She began drinking.  She walked around as she drank.  She walked by her room and at first didn't notice anything.  But something caught her attention.  She walked back and saw Alex on the bed with used tissues all over.  Kara walked into the room and faced Alex.  She bent down, not wanting to wake up Alex and saw that she was holding the picture of her and Alex in the sky.  Kara began to remember everything that made her happy.  Almost everything involved her sister.  She had a choice, to rule the world with Reign, or to defeat Reign and live happily with Alex.  Kara refused to make the decision then so she crawled into bed with Alex and fell asleep.

Hey guys,
I know the past couple of chapters have been pretty weird and confusing, but I assure you that everything is going to fall into place.  I am also telling you something EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This is the very first book in a book series.  I'm going to change the title to say KARA GETS RED KRYPTONITE BOOK #1.  This means that everything in my other books titled with a book number, will be following this line.  In the books after this, this event would have happened and the characters would be aware.  It's going to be series of all different kinds of stuff, not just Red K.  I will include that in the description.  Thank you and I hope you read more of my books! 

 THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Kara Gets Red Kryptonite Book #1Where stories live. Discover now